Page 18 - GLNG Week 48 2020
P. 18

GLNG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       cent on a per voyage basis compared to a   for Croatia and other countries in the region.   bunkering services –
       conventional fuelled voyage between Western   The terminal will start commercial
       Australia and China, and contribute to our   operation in early January, when the first LNG   first bunkering operation
       2030 goal to support 40% emissions intensity   vessel docks, according to a recent statement
       reduction of BHP-chartered shipping of our   from the LNG Croatia company. It connects   in Emden completed by
       products.”                          to the national gas transport system through
         Steve Hill, executive vice president, Shell   the newly built Omisalj-Zlobin pipeline.  Coralius
       Energy, said: “I would like to congratulate   The LNG Croatia floating storage
       BHP on reducing emissions in their   regasification unit (FSRU) departed from   Gasum continues to expand its bunkering
       maritime supply chain with the world’s first   Sagunto, Spain on November 28 carrying the   services towards continental Europe by
       LNG-fuelled Newcastlemax bulk carriers.   first quantities of LNG for a work trial.  completing its first bunkering operation
       Decarbonisation of the shipping industry   The capacity of the terminal has been filled,  in Emden, Germany. The bunkering was
       must begin today and LNG is the cleanest fuel   leased by foreign and domestic companies for   successfully performed on November 22
       currently available in meaningful volumes.”  the next three years. 80% of its capacity has   to SIEM Confucius by Gasum’s liquefied
         “This LNG bunkering contract strengthens   been leased until 2027, and around 50% until   natural gas (LNG) bunker vessel Coralius.
       the bunkering market in the region and we   2035.                        By expanding to new waters, Gasum further
       look forward to working with BHP and other                               strengthens its bunkering services for
       customers in the maritime sector on their                                maritime companies.
       journey to a net-zero emissions future.”  Valmet to deliver Valmet         Emden port, located in the northwest
         The contract is the result of a tender                                 Germany, is one of the most significant car
       process that included potential suppliers   DNA Integrated Operations    shipping ports in Europe and the latest area of
       across several geographies. Technical                                    expansion for Gasum’s bunkering operations.
       capability, available infrastructure and cost   solution to Manga LNG’s   On November 22, Gasum’s Coralius supplied
       competitiveness were among the stringent                                 LNG to SIEM Car Carrier’s vessel, SIEM
       criteria.                           terminal in Tornio, Finland          Confucius. This large car carrier operates
         LNG bunkering – the process of fuelling                                trans-Atlantic and her regular route includes
       ships with LNG – will take place through   Valmet will deliver Valmet DNA Integrated   USA, Mexico and back to Emden port every
       the first LNG bunker vessel in Singapore,   Operations solution to Manga LNG Oy’s   50 days.
       “FueLNG Bellina”. The vessel is operated   liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal   “A lot of preparation went into this first
       by FueLNG, a joint venture between Shell   in Tornio, Finland.           LNG delivery with Gasum. As a result of this
       Eastern Petroleum and Keppel Offshore &   The order was included in Valmet’s orders   close collaboration between SIEM and Gasum
       Marine. The bunker vessel will be able to   received of the third quarter 2020. The value   the LNG delivery was accomplished very
       bunker fuel at a rate of 100-1,000 cubic metres   of the order will not be disclosed. The solution   smoothly and well within the allowed time.
       per hour.                           will be started up in June 2021.     We are delighted to have added a new supply
         “The LNG bunkering contract will enable   “We already use Valmet DNA automation   option in Emden”, says Michael Dugdale,
       BHP to manage fuel supply risk, build LNG   system extensively throughout our terminal   Head of Procurement at SIEM Group.
       operational capability internally, and also help   operations. To make processes more   Already in the end of June, Coralius proved
       to strengthen the emerging LNG bunkering   efficient on our loading bay and in our   her availability in the ARA area (Amsterdam-
       market in the region. This contract is expected   order management, we will complement the   Rotterdam-Antwerp), bunkering in the port
       to form up to 10% of forecasted Asian LNG   existing system with Valmet DNA Integrated   of Rotterdam. Her main operating area being
       bunker demand in FY2023,” said Ms Pant.  Operations solution and its electronic   in Skagerrak, Coralius has lately expanded
       BHP, December 01, 2020              scheduling function,” says Mika Kolehmainen,   her services further west and continental
                                           CEO, Manga LNG Oy.                   Europe thus making LNG more available for
                                              “Valmet DNA Integrated Operations   companies operating also outside the Nordic
       EUROPE                              solution is used in many LNG terminals to   and Baltic seas.
                                           provide real-time data both for operators and   “We are very proud to serve a new shipping
       Gas from Krk LNG terminal           their customers,” says Mikko Haapaniemi,   customer and satisfied as we were able to
                                                                                provide SIEM Confucius with LNG in Emden
                                           Product Manager, LNG, Automation, Valmet.
       to enter Croatia’s system in        its customers will be able to enter orders   port. As one of the most important roll-on/
                                              With the new solution, Manga LNG and
                                                                                roll-off ports in Europe, Emden serves as
       December                            directly into the ordering system. Integrated   an important milestone in extending our
                                           with the terminal management and enterprise
                                                                                services to maritime companies operating in
       The first gas from Croatia’s floating LNG   resource planning (ERP) system, the solution   the region. It’s evident that the more popular
       (FLNG) terminal off the island of Krk is   will automatise and speed up processes at the   LNG becomes in maritime transport, we too
       expected to enter the country’s gas system   terminal.                   must become even more flexible and bring
       in early December, according to local media   VALMET, December 03, 2020  our services to wherever they are needed,”
       reports.                                                                 says Gasum’s Jacob Granqvist, sales director
         The terminal, with annual storage capacity   Gasum continues to expand   for maritime.
       is 2.6bn cubic metres, is a strategic project for                        GASUM, November 30, 2020
       Croatia as it will improve security of supply

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   04•December•2020
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