Page 17 - GLNG Week 48 2020
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AMERICAS & ammonia infrastructure: key to a green ASIA
Golar LNG successfully fertiliser production, ammonia is rapidly Burckhardt Compression
Best known for its traditional role in
prices public follow-on gaining attention in other applications. Easily Laby® LNG boil-off gas
liquefied for storage and transport in the
offering of its common same fashion as liquefied natural gas (LNG), compressors for new-built
ammonia can be used across energy-intensive
shares industries in several ways: it can be burned container ships to support
directly as a carbon emissions-free energy
Golar LNG announced today the pricing of source or cracked to produce hydrogen. reduction of sulphur and
its previously announced underwritten public Ammonia is a key player in facilitating
offering of 11,000,000 shares of its common the widespread use of hydrogen, a clean, CO2 emissions
stock, at a public offering price of $8.75 per zero-carbon fuel. The chemical properties
share. The company granted the underwriters of hydrogen make it technically and To reduce sulphur and CO2 emissions at sea,
a 30 day option to purchase up to an economically challenging to develop the shipping industry is pushing towards
additional 1,650,000 common shares. The infrastructure for large-scale storage and alternative fuels and liquefied natural gas
company intends to use the net proceeds from transportation. But liquefied ammonia is (LNG) tends to become the preferred solution.
the offering to partially repay the term loan a desirable hydrogen carrier, plus proven Therefore, an increasing amount of new-built
facility, to repay the margin loan facility in full methods of storage and transportation already container ships are equipped with LNG dual
and to use any remaining funds for general exist at scale. fuel propulsion engines.
corporate purposes, which may include, The ‘Hybrid LNG & ammonia Burckhardt Compression won an order
among other things, capital expenditures, infrastructure: key to a green economy’ eBook consisting of 8 low-pressure compressor
repaying other indebtedness, funding working looks at how the world’s extensive network systems for boil-off gas (BOG) management.
capital or investments. The Offering is of existing LNG infrastructure can be made The compressor solutions are destined for
scheduled to close on December 7, 2020. ammonia-ready, helping to facilitate safe, two 14’000 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent
Citigroup, Clarksons Platou Securities, efficient transport while elevating ammonia’s units) and two 690 FEU (forty-foot equivalent
DNB Markets and Arctic Securities are acting role in the global energy trade. units) container vessels ordered by C-LNG
as joint lead managers and bookrunners in the In the free download, Black & Veatch Solutions, a Singapore-based leader in LNG
offering. explores how LNG and gas power plant fuel gas solutions and LNG cargo handling.
GOLAR LNG, December 03, 2020 owners and developers would be well-served All ships will be equipped with WinGD X-DF
to begin preparing now for their LNG propulsion engines and will be built at a
New Black & Veatch eBook receiving terminals and storage facilities Chinese shipyard with the option for 16 more
to become ammonia-ready. By providing
explores hybrid LNG and information on how to convert existing BURCKHARDT COMPRESSION, December 04,
LNG import terminals and storage tanks
ammonia infrastructure to receive liquefied ammonia, the eBook
offers a comprehensive look at storing and
As industry advances its efforts to decarbonise transporting ammonia, providing LNG and AUSTRAL ASIA
amid rising global demand for carbon-free gas power plant owners and developers with a
energy sources, ammonia’s role in the green path forward to deliver on the promise of this BHP awards LNG supply
energy economy continues to take shape. To versatile energy source.
help navigate ammonia’s growing role, Black BLACK & VEATCH, December 01, 2020 agreement to Shell for LNG-
& Veatch today released its first eBook aimed
at the oil and gas industry, ‘Hybrid LNG fuelled iron ore vessels
BHP has awarded its first LNG supply
agreement for five LNG-fuelled Newcastlemax
bulk carriers, which will transport iron ore
between Western Australia and China from
Shell has been awarded the contract to
fuel the vessels, which BHP will charter from
Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) for five-year
BHP chief commercial officer, Vandita
Pant, said: “The LNG bunkering contract
marks a significant step in how BHP is
working with our suppliers to reduce
emissions across the maritime supply chain.”
“LNG-fuelled vessels are forecast to help
BHP reduce CO2-e emissions by 30 per
Week 48 04•December•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P17