Page 15 - GLNG Week 48 2020
P. 15

GLNG                                             EUROPE                                               GLNG

       Pechora LNG to produce methanol instead

        PROJECTS &       A pair of gas fields in Russia’s northern Nen-  the deal, without commenting on its terms.
        COMPANIES        ets region previously expected to underpin an   The new owners envisage producing 2
                         LNG export project will now be used to produce  bcm per year of gas from Korovinskoye and
                         methanol instead, the Moscow-based Kommer-  Kumzhinskoye, according to Kommersant.
                         sant newspaper reported on November 27.  These supplies will be pumped via a new pipe-
                           Private Russian investor Alltech has sold  line to the Barents Sea, near the village of Indiga
                         the Korovinskoye and Kumzhinskoye fields to  some 300 km away, where they will be used to
                         businessman and former Duma member Vitaly  produce some 1.7mn tpy of methanol.
                         Yuzhilin and his partners. Alltech was previ-  Gas supplies could be ramped up to 4 bcm
                         ously working with Russia’s Rosneft on a plan to  per year by 2027, Kommersant reported. The
                         export the fields’ gas in LNG form, known as the  project’s first phase is expected to cost RUB12bn
                         Pechora LNG project. But it became clear that  ($160mn), with the developers anticipating
                         their reserves, estimated at 160bn cubic metres  making a return on this investment in seven to
                         of gas, were only large enough to produce 5mn  eight years.
                         tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG or less, making pro-  Yuzhilin’s Ruskhim company was previously
                         ject costs uncompetitive.            considering methanol production in the Len-
                           Rosneft left the project in 2018 and it was  ingrad region, but has now dropped this plan,
                         revealed that Alltech was seeking to sell the  according to Kommersant.
                         assets in September last year. Alltech’s billion-  Alltech and Rosneft had originally hoped
                         aire owner Dmitry Bosov committed suicide  to gain access to two more gas fields nearby
                         in May, leaving it up to his heirs to sell Pechora  to underpin their LNG project, but they were
                         LNG.                                 defeated in a subsoil auction by Gazprom. At
                           Under a preliminary agreement, Yuzhilin  one point they considered the construction of a
                         will take a 50% position in the Pechora LNG  gas-based petrochemical plant, but this plan was
                         operating company, while his partners Gennady  also dismissed as unrealistic.
                         Mirgorodsky and Dmitry Ozersky will each   The assets also have value given their close
                         take 25%. The Russian Direct Investment Fund  proximity to the Layavozhskoye and Vneyviss-
                         (RDIF) could also play a role, Kommersant said.  koye gas deposits that Gazprom is looking to
                           Representatives of Alltech have confirmed  develop with Lukoil.™

       Week 48   04•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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