Page 4 - MEOG Week 11 2021
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Baghdad continues to

       wait for Kurdish oil

       Despite having said it was ready to implement the draft budget agreement, the Kurdistan
       Regional Government is yet to send any crude to the federal government in Baghdad.

        IRAQ             THE Iraqi government is yet to receive any  Baghdad, Qubad Talabani, said that the semi-au-
                         crude from the Kurdistan Regional Govern-  tonomous region was “ready to implement all
                         ment (KRG), according to the Minister of Oil  its obligations with the federal government,
       WHAT:             (MoO) in Baghdad despite preliminary agree-  whether by providing 250,000 barrels per day of
       The Iraqi federal   ment having been reached on the 2021 budget  crude oil or exporting non-oil resources through
       government has    in December.                         the region’s outlets, in accordance with the Iraqi
       complained that the   Undersecretary to the MoO, Hamid Yunus  constitution.”
       Kurdistan region is yet to   al-Zobaei was quoted by the Iraq News Agency   Following the December draft agreement, he
       transfer a single barrel of   (INA) as saying on March 14 that talks were con-  said that the issue of the budget was “in the hands
       oil, though Erbil expects   tinuing between Baghdad and Erbil “in the hope  of [the Iraqi] Parliament, and we hope that we
       its share of the budget.  of reaching a bilateral agreement that serves the  will reach a positive result with a fair and imple-
                         interest of the country”.            mentable agreement”.
       WHY:                As with previous budgets, the KRG should   Talabani said: “We are ready to implement
       Issues appear to remain   receive 12.67% of the total budget equating to  this agreement”, noting that the federal gov-
       between Baghdad and   around $13bn, but there remain issues related to  ernment in Baghdad had only paid the KRG its
       Erbil relating to the   budget payments to Erbil being contingent on it  share during six months of 2020, with funding
       transfer of oil across the   handing over 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) of  “intermittent” for three of these months.
       regional border.  crude to Iraq’s State Oil Marketing Organization   However, Middle East Oil & Gas (MEOG)
                         (SOMO) and giving the revenues to the cen-  understands that it may be more than willpower
       WHAT NEXT:        tral treasury. Apparently, growing increasingly  that is preventing the KRG from making good
       A vote is to be held on   frustrated, the MoO noted that it has “ruled out  on the transfer, with the administration under-
       passing the 2021 budget   dispensing with oil in the generation of electric  stood to have entered into numerous long-term
       this week.        power in the future”.                crude supply agreements for large portions of its
                           INA reported that Iraq’s budget deficit cur-  oil production.
                         rently stands at 28.6 trillion dinars ($20bn).  Separately, the deputy PM spoke of hopes
                           Meanwhile, Kurdish media agency Rudaw  that federal oil apparatus could be overhauled
                         reported that the federal government would vote  so as to also represent the KRG. “We hope to
                         on the budget this week.             build a new oil and finance relationship with
                           In February, the KRG’s deputy prime min-  the central government, and we have faith that
                         ister and head of a delegation negotiating with  this will be achieved step by step, until we reach

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