Page 5 - MEOG Week 11 2021
P. 5

MEOG                                         COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

                         the establishment of a new SOMO company in  approved the final version of the Federal Oil and
                         which there are Kurdish members on the Board  Gas Law (FOGL). This has been referred to the
                         of Directors.”                       Council of Ministers for approval, after which it
                           He added that it should be restructured to  would move to the House of Representatives to
                         include Kurdish members on its board of direc-  be enacted into Law.
                         tors to “handle the issue of oil prices in an appro-  According to Ahmed Mousa Jiyad, a for-
                         priate manner, serving the country, including the  mer senior economist at Iraq National Oil Co.
                         Kurdistan Region.”                   (INOC) and the MoO, the urgency and surprise
                                                              with which this was passed gives rise to believe
                         Passing bills                        it may be connected to the passing of either the
                         In addition to the budget vote, Iraq’s Cabinet and  Iraqi budget or the proposed amendment to the
                         other advisory boards have been busy consider-  INOC law.
                         ing other important legislation. According to
                         Hassan Mohammed Hassan, the deputy direc-  Compensation
                         tor-general of the Basra Oil Company in charge  Meanwhile, Iraq continues to struggle to comply
                         of licensing rounds affairs and the head of the  with its quota under the OPEC+ production cuts,
                         joint management committee of West Qurna 1,  and the country has also failed to make extra cuts
                         contracts apportioned under Bidding Round 5  to compensate for historic non-compliance.
                         in 2018 are still being negotiated.    February production stood at 3.89mn bpd
                           In June 2018, the MoO signed three contracts  in February, according to a recent S&P Global
                         with Sharjah-based Crescent Petroleum cover-  Platts survey, showing that it overproduced by
                         ing the Gilabat-Qumar and Khashim-Injana  around 33,000 bpd compared to its quota.
                         non-associated gas fields in Diyala Province,   Facing a growing budget deficit and with for-
                         near the Iranian frontier, and the Khudr al-Maa  eign companies responsible for the vast majority
                         oil block on the southern border; two with Chi-  of the country’s oil production under technical
                         na’s Geo-Jade Petroleum for the Naft Khana  services agreements (TSAs), Iraq has struggled
                         block in Diyala and Huwaiza in Missan; and one  to rein in output. Meanwhile, Zobaei was quoted
                         with fellow Chinese firm United Energy Group  as saying that the MoO had agreed terms with
                         for the Sindbad block, in the east of the oil-rich  IOCs to compensate them for holding back
                         Basra province. The latter three areas are located  production, without providing any further
                         along the Iranian border.            information.
                           At the time, the MoO expressed disappoint-  Separately, MEOG understands from sources
                         ment that five of the 11 blocks offered had failed  within the MoO that technical work is being
                         to attract any bids, though this was largely put  undertaken to ramp up exploration activi-
                         down to the speed with which the auction  ties around the Nasiriyah oilfield as it seeks to
                         process was conducted and uncertainty over  increase the production capabilities of the state-
                         contractual terms – somewhat like the recent  owned Thi Qar Oil Co.
                         pre-payment term crude supply tender agreed   Meanwhile, work is ongoing at the southern
                         with China Zhehua Oil Co. which has since been  Majnoon oilfield to raise output to 450,000 bpd
                         postponed.                           over the next two years, with output from the
                           Meanwhile, in February, the MoO’s Opin-  asset having been reduced to 130,000 bpd in an
                         ion Board announced that it had discussed and  attempt to comply with OPEC+ quotas.™

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