Page 6 - MEOG Week 11 2021
P. 6

MEOG                                   PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       Iran’s oil exports to China

       expected to ‘surge’ in March

        IRAN             IRANIAN crude exports to China are report-  accommodate the country’s maximum oil out-
                         edly surging and are expected to hit record highs  put of around 3.9mn to 4mn bpd.
                         in March despite the fact that US sanctions
                         imposed under former president Donald Trump  Facilities expand
                         with the stated purpose of driving Iran’s oil ship-  At present Iran’s Kharg Island terminal in the
                         ments to zero are still in place.    Gulf accounts for around 90% of the country’s oil
                           It is anticipated that Chinese imports of Ira-  exports, however, reliance on the facility is set to
                         nian crude will hit 856,000 bpd in March, the  be eased once a new export facility at Jask comes
                         most in almost two years and up 129% month-  into operation.
                         on-month, Bloomberg reported traders and   Envisioned by President Hassan Rouhani as
                         analysts as saying. Various other news outlets  “Iran’s key hub of oil exports”, the Jask Oil Ter-
                         reported during the week that so much Ira-  minal Project in the southern Hormozgan Prov-
                         nian oil was arriving in China that its ports and  ince reached another milestone last week as work
                         storage tanks were getting clogged up. This was  began to install the facility’s first single-point
                         particularly said to be the case in the province of  mooring (SPM) in the Sea of Oman.
                         Shandong, which accounts for a quarter of Chi-  According to Vahid Maleki, head of the Jask
                         na’s refining capacity.              development for Pars Oil and Gas Co. (POGC),
                           “The surge is related to lower costs but also,  the project is now 90% complete.
                         politically, to a sense that this might be an interim   He was quoted by Iran’s official energy sector
                         period between the outgoing [Trump] adminis-  media outlet Shana as saying that installation of
                         tration and the Biden administration figuring  the “pipeline end manifold (PLEM) has been
                         out its position on Iran,” Michal Meidan, direc-  completed with the Sea Master barge at a depth
                         tor of the China Energy Program at the Oxford  of 48 metres on the seabed”, adding that work
                         Institute for Energy Studies, was cited as saying  to install the first SPM 6km from the shore had
                         by Bloomberg.                        begun immediately.
                           In late January, on the sidelines of the Iran   The unit has a capacity of 1mn bpd and instal-
                         Oil Show in Tehran, Iran’s Deputy Oil Minister  lation is anticipated by the conclusion of the
                         Amir Hossein Zamaninia said that Iranian oil  current Iranian calendar year, which ends next
                         would not create any surplus on the world oil  week. The terminal is being developed at a cost
                         market and that the market would be able to  of around $315mn.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   17•March•2021
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