Page 11 - AfrElec Week 47 2021
P. 11

AfrElec                                           COAL                                               AfrElec

       India’s JSPL to build coal

       mine in southern Africa

        INDIA            IN a move that has caught many in India and  demand of 600 MW, but with the larger of the
                         Southern Africa by surprise, in particular as  pair undergoing long-term repairs, most of Bot-
                         the world continues to move away from coal  swana’s daily power needs are satisfied by South
                         use in the wake of COP26, Jindal Steel & Power  African utility Eskom.
                         Ltd (JSPL) has announced it will be building a   Earlier in 2021, three firms; JSPL’s local office,
                         new coal mine in Botswana’s remote southern  Jindal Africa, Maatla Resources, a mid-level local
                         Mmamabula region, south of the nation’s capital  company, and Australia based African Energy
                         city Gaborone.                       Resources all placed bids in a tender for a new
                           Taking advantage of Chinese-led moves at  300-MW coal power plant project to be linked to
                         COP26 to change the ‘phasing out’ of coal to a  the Mmamabula field, with Jindal being touted
                         ‘phasing down’, Botswana has so far refrained  as the favourite.
                         from an expected promise not to issue any more   As part of a Botswana national energy policy
                         mining licences to foreign companies, and as  promoted in 2016, Jindal Africa had unveiled
                         such the project will go ahead as planned, with  plans to operate three surface mines in the coal-
                         ground to be broken next year.       field region of Mmamabula, in addition to the
                           When complete the mine is expected to pro-  aforementioned coal-fired power plant.
                         duce up to 4.5mn tonnes per year (tpy) of coal.  Bringing these goals to fruition, there is, how-
                           Speaking to media in Africa, JSPL’s country  ever, increased angst against Indian intervention
                         head in Botswana, Neeraj Saxena, last week  in national industries across southern Africa,
                         said: “Work will start next year and develop in  particularly south of the border in South Africa,
                         phases over two to three years. Regional demand  where for decades the lion’s share of Botswana’s
                         is increasing and the South African market has  power supply has come from.
                         appetite for Botswana coal.”           Indian businesses were targeted in summer
                           Surveys have shown Botswana has in the  riots across South Africa, with the ruling African
                         region of 212bn tonnes of subsurface coal  National Congress (ANC) said to have done little
                         reserves, although it is at present committed to  to alleviate racial tensions in the months since.
                         power supply agreements from regional power   At the local level in Botswana, Motswana
                         South Africa on its southern border, and to a  residents, though, are looking to benefit from
                         lesser extent Zambia to the north.   the 2,000 jobs the power plant and mines are
                           Domestically almost all power generation in  expected to bring to the landlocked nation of
                         Botswana comes from fossil fuels – a number  2.3mn.
                         that peaked at 99.84% in the mid-2010s.  How, and even if, this affects the outcome
                           Today around 2% comes from renewable  regarding Jindal’s plans to combine the Mmama-
                         sources, although by 2040, Botswana’s govern-  bula Mine and power plant expansion in Bot-
                         ment has pledged to increase this to 18%.  swana remains to be seen, particularly in light
                           With just one mid-scale solar project cur-  of all power purchase agreements (PPAs) south
                         rently operating in Botswana, and the majority  of the border now requiring clearance by South
                         of installed PV sites used for water heating in  Africa’s Minister of Energy.
                         rural areas, this poses an uphill challenge at best.  This is a post currently held by ANC National
                           Botswana’s energy supply situation has not  Chairperson Gwede Mantashe, who last week
                         improved noticeably in the past decade, with  said South Africa, as recipient of much of Bot-
                         some in South Africa’s political circles seeing  swana’s coal was “… committed to low-carbon
                         Botswana as little more than an energy-depend-  emissions, even net-zero emissions” but that
                         ent neighbour.                       this must be “within the reality of the energy that
                           Just two coal power facilities, near Pala-  guarantees national economic growth, develop-
                         pye, north of Gaborone, supply the daily peak  ment and industrialisation.”™

       Week 47   25•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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