Page 9 - AfrElec Week 47 2021
P. 9

AfrElec                                      RENEWABLES                                              AfrElec

       Kenyan private sector to support green

       hydrogen and ammonia production

        KENYA            THE Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) has  industrialisation opportunities through green
                         signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)  industry advocacy and collaboration with pub-
                         with green energy company Fortescue Future  lic sector stakeholders to support rapid project
                         Industries (FFI) to help facilitate its members’  mobilisation.
                         participation in green hydrogen and ammonia   The announcement comes just days after the
                         production in Kenya.                 signing of a 10-point Corporate Commitment
                           FFI, a wholly owned subsidiary of Austral-  charter to climate change and sustainability in
                         ian iron ore company Fortescue Metals Group  Kenya by representatives from the private sector,
                         (Fortescue), is in the process of assessing a pro-  including KEPSA, Kenya Climate Innovation
                         posed integrated large-scale green hydrogen and  Centre (KCIC), Kenya Association of Manufac-
                         green ammonia production facility, utilising  turers (KAM) and development partners, among
                         renewable energy in Kenya.           other stakeholders.
                           “FFI is rapidly advancing and investing in a   Some of the highlights in the charter include
                         wide range of green energy initiatives, includ-  the commitment to a reduction of greenhouse
                         ing the development of large-scale green energy  gas (GHG) emissions by at least 5% per annum
                         projects worldwide. We are committed to sup-  with a base of 2020 in the hope of helping Kenya
                         porting economic growth, employment creation,  achieve its ambition to decrease emissions by
                         empowerment of youth and small and medi-  32% by 2030.
                         um-sized enterprises [SMEs] and the potential   The signatories agreed to integrate climate
                         to alleviate poverty in the local communities we  change mitigation and adaptation actions into
                         operate in,” stated FFI CEO Julie Shuttleworth.  business models, strategic business plans and
                           Carole Kariuki, KEPSA CEO, noted the Alli-  value chains as well as enhancing adaptation
                         ance has been at the forefront in championing  investments in operations and value chains such
                         sustainable and inclusive business practices and  as reduction of water consumption, increase
                         efforts towards addressing climate change miti-  in water use efficiency and wastewater man-
                         gation and adaptation. These efforts, she said, are  agement and early warning and emergency
                         co-ordinated through the Environment, Water  response systems.
                         and Natural Resources Sector Board at KEPSA,   The stakeholders also committed to develop-
                         which works closely with the government.  ing products and services that are climate sensi-
                           “KEPSA has been instrumental in champi-  tive to encourage the path toward strengthening
                         oning the development of business-friendly pol-  climate resilience between local, regional and
                         icies and regulatory frameworks for addressing  international private sector.
                         climate change and sustainability.     KEPSA co-chairs the Partnering for Green
                           “This includes the development of the Cli-  Growth and Global Goals (P4G) National Plat-
                         mate Change Act in 2016, the National Climate  form with Kenya’s National Treasury and has
                         Change Action Plans (NCCAP) 2018-2022 and  catalysed 14 partnerships, both start-up and
                         ongoing development of Climate Change Regu-  scale-up, to provide market-based solutions for
                         lations that seek to provide incentives for busi-  combating climate change and realising sustain-
                         nesses implementing climate change initiatives,”  able development goals in Kenya.
                         said Kariuki.                          The partnerships are currently providing
                           Through KEPSA, FFI will engage with pri-  sustainability and climate-oriented solutions in
                         vate sector players in seeking and taking advan-  agriculture, water, energy, industry and the cir-
                         tage of supply chain and downstream green  cular economy.™

       Week 47   25•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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