Page 15 - AsianOil Week 29 2020
P. 15

AsianOil                                           NRG                                              AsianOil

                           In the Czech Republic, gas grid operator  FSU: Gazprom maintains dividends
                         Net4Gas has scaled back plans for new gas links  Russia’s Gazprom is maintaining its 40% div-
                         with Austria and Poland after failing to secure  idend policy for this year, it has said, despite
                         the EU financial support it was hoping for. The  booking its first quarterly loss since 2015 in the
                         company’s Stork II pipeline was due to become  first quarter.
                         operational in 2023, pumping up 13.7 mcm per   Gazprom suffered as a result of low prices, a
                         day of gas in the direction of the Czech Republic  collapse in European sales because of coronavi-
                         and 19.6 mcm per day in the direction of Poland.  rus lockdowns and ruble devaluation. It will face
                         Net4Gas was also looking to build an 18 mcm  even greater difficulty in the second and third
                         per day bidirectional pipeline connecting the  quarters.
                         Czech Republic with Austria, known as BACI,   Gazprom has sought to reassure investors
                         by 2024.                             that its dividend policy remains unchanged, but
                           However, Net4Gas has excluded both pro-  these investors remain sceptical, with this sen-
                         jects in its 2021-2030 development programme  timent reflected in the company’s share price.
                         published this month. It may build smaller-sized  The supplier is taking steps to cut its operat-
                         interconnections instead, depending on the  ing costs and capital investments in 2020, with
                         results of capacity auctions scheduled for 2021.  the latter due to be reduced to RUB1.3 trillion
                         The operator has also pushed back the launch  ($18.21bn), from an earlier forecast of RUB1.6
                         of these potential pipelines, to 2027-28 for the  trillion ($22.42bn).
                         Polish link and 2026 for the connection with   Azerbaijan’s state energy group SOCAR has
                         Austria.                             warned that some of the infrastructure that car-
                           Net4Gas attributes these decisions to its  ries Caspian oil and gas to world markets could
                         failure to get either project on the EU’s list of  be at risk, following border clashes with Arme-
                         projects of common interest (PCIs), which can  nia. 15 servicemen from Azerbaijan and six from
                         gain access to grants from the bloc’s Connecting  Armenia died last week. The countries have a
                         Europe Facility (CEF). Under its new president,  long-standing dispute over the Nagorno-Karab-
                         Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commis-  akh region that has periodically flared up.
                         sion has taken a tougher stance against fossil   The infrastructure SOCAR was referring
                         fuels. This shift in policy was reflected in the  to includes various oil and gas pipelines, some
                         fact that the EC’s latest PCI proposals presented  of which are situated not far from the territory
                         in November included far fewer new gas infra-  where clashes took place.
                         structure projects.                    In  Kazakhstan,  a  long-standing  dispute
                                                              between the government and Moldovan busi-
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   nessman Anatolie Stati wages on. Stati claims
                         Europe’s oil and gas sector then please click here for   that in 2010, oilfields controlled by his com-
                         NewsBase’s EurOil Monitor.           panies were expropriated by the Kazakh state.

       Week 29   23•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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