Page 20 - AsianOil Week 29 2020
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AsianOil NEWS IN BRIEF AsianOil
recommendations are a welcome outcome infrastructure ‘hub’, whereby existing and operations and energy market trading. Jacqui
for both improved environmental new discoveries can utilise spare capacity at has been with Contact for more than 15
protection while reducing the costly the installed facilities to lower their costs. years in a wide range of roles across finance,
regulatory burden to business. The Several offshore fields, including Pandora, resource management, trading and most
approach proposed should help improve can be regarded as commercial if they are recently as General Manager of Operations.
outcomes for all stakeholders and today’s aggregated through Pasca infrastructure. CONTACT ENERGY, July 15, 2020
report is a step in the right direction,” Such aggregation of fields can provide
McConville said. a steady stream of investment, jobs and Ironbark environmental
“This is a once in a decade opportunity liquefied petroleum gas for the domestic
to get it right. We are encouraged by the market. Erick Kowa, Twinza’s Technical plan approved
discussions we’ve had with environment Lead in the discussions with the SNT,
groups during the review process and we are commented that “there is a real opportunity New Zealand Oil & Gas has been advised
committed to continuing to work with these for the parties to set the Gulf of Papua up by the Operator BP, that the Ironbark
groups and the Government as the process for success through creating a framework Exploration Drilling Environment Plan
plays out. Overlapping requirements for the co-operative development of (EP) has been approved. The Joint Venture
between states and the Commonwealth currently stranded fields. Such an is working towards commencing drilling in
and widespread duplication of processes arrangement can provide fiscal certainty for October 2020. Final timing is dependent on
between the Commonwealth and states do industry players to invest in development the progress of the current program on the
not help to protect the environment but and exploration with the confidence that Ocean Apex drilling rig, active nearby for
often causes unnecessary delays increasing resources can be commercialised”. Woodside.
the costs for development. The EPBC water TWINZA, July 14, 2020 New Zealand Oil & Gas CEO Andrew
trigger is a key example of such duplication, Jefferies says “It is exciting to see another
and though we are disappointed that the Contact announces step taken on the path to spudding the
review recommends the water trigger be Ironbark well. We are targeting a significant
retained, the options identified to apply the leadership team changes natural gas prospect, which would deliver
trigger more efficiently are a positive step.” environmental and economic benefits to
APPEA, July 20, 2020 Contact Energy has made two changes to Australia and the region. This is energy
its leadership team with the appointment transition writ large”.
Gas agreement discussion of James Kilty as Deputy Chief Executive located in the Carnarvon Basin, offshore
Exploration permit WA-359-P is
Officer and Jacqui Nelson as Chief Generation
commenced for the Pasca A Officer. Western Australia, approximately 50km
James Kilty’s new role as Deputy
from the existing North West Shelf LNG
development Chief Executive Officer includes specific infrastructure. The Ironbark-1 well is
responsibility for development and demand
expected to drill to ~5500 metres and will
The State of Papua New Guinea has growth at Contact Energy. James has a be the first test of the Ironbark gas prospect.
commenced negotiations with Twinza on the unique set of skills, capabilities, and over The participating interests in WA-359-P
fiscal terms that will apply to the development 20 years of experience in energy markets, Ironbark are BP Developments Australia
of the Pasca A gas-condensate field in the Gulf operations and development and will Pty Ltd (Operator): 42.5% Beach Energy:
of Papua. The Government is represented in provide strong leadership. 21% New Zealand Oil & Gas: 15% Cue
the discussions by the State Negotiating Team, Jacqui Nelson has been appointed as Chief Energy: 21.5%
with members from key selected agencies. Generation Officer with responsibility for NEW ZEALAND OIL & GAS, July 20, 2020
PNG Country Manager, Roppe Uyassi,
who is leading the engagement for Twinza,
stated that “the Company is committed
to working collaboratively with the
Government to deliver an agreement that
allows the Project to move forward toward
development, whilst providing a higher
State take than previous projects. Once the
Pasca A Gas Agreement and the Petroleum
Development License are in place, the
Project is well positioned to enter the Front
End Engineering and Design phase later
this year.”
Twinza is also looking forward to
addressing with the SNT important non-
fiscal opportunities, including domestic
market commitment, third-party access
to facilities and national content. These
matters are differentiated from land-based
projects as the Pasca A field is planned to be
the first offshore development in PNG.
Pasca A is being promoted as an
P20 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 29 23•July•2020