Page 19 - AsianOil Week 29 2020
P. 19

AsianOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsianOil

       of utilizing methanation technology   Three LNG-fueled ships earn        toward LNG-fueled ships, for example, by
       for zero-emission ship fuels. Through                                    cooperating in LNG fuel supply trials in the
       its activities, the WG aims to reduce   top energy conservation          ports of Kobe and Nagoya.
       greenhouse gas emissions to zero in                                        The Sunflower Kurenai and Sunflower
       sea transportation, which accounts for   rating                          Murasaki are slated for launching from the
       99.6% of Japanese imports and exports,                                   end of 2022 through the first half of 2023 on
       and thereby contribute to the formation   Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) today announced   the Ferry Sunflower-operated Osaka-Beppu
       of a sustainable society. Specifically,   that three MOL Group vessels-the LNG-  route as an alternative to existing vessels.
       the nine companies listed above plan to   fueled tugboat Ishin and the ferries Sunflower   MOL, July 15, 2020
       assume carbon recycling supply chain of   Kurenai and Sunflower Murasaki have earned
       methanation fuel that involves the supply   the top rating of five stars from the Japanese
       of feedstock CO2, transportation of the   Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport   OCEANIA
       feedstock, methanation, and conversion   and Tourism (MLIT)’s energy conservation
       into marine fuel. They will calculate the   rating system for coastal ships. The rating is   APPEA: EPBC
       estimated amount of CO2 emissions in   based on LNG-fueled ships environmental
       the supply chain, and based on these   performance, specifically a reduction of more   recommendations a step in
       results, identify technical challenges and   than 20% in emissions of carbon dioxide
       develop a roadmap for its realization.  (CO2) compared to vessels powered by   the right direction
         The first stage of activities involves: (1)   conventional heavy oil.
       Separation, capture and liquefaction of CO2   The Ishin, owned by MOL and operated   Australia’s oil and gas sector welcomed
       emitted from steelworks (2) Transportation   by its group company Nihon Tug-Boat   today’s interim report into the review of the
       of liquefied CO2 by ship to a hydrogen   and Japan’s first LNG-fueled ferries-the   Environment Protection and Biodiversity
       supply site (3) Generation of synthetic   Sunflower Kurenai and Sunflower Murasaki   Conservation Act 1999 as it provides
       methane from CO2 and hydrogen by    are under construction and slated for   an important pathway to more efficient
       methanation reaction, and (4) Liquefaction   operation by Ferry Sunflower.  environmental approvals processes while
       of the synthetic methane and using it as   The three vessels had already earned   ensuring protection of the environment
       marine fuel (Figure 1). In addition to   the highest rating of four stars under the   and delivering greater certainty for future
       obtaining an approximate value of CO2   ministry’s temporary rating system, and   investment.
       emissions in this assumed supply chain,   with the system in full operation, have once   APPEA Chief Executive Andrew
       the group will also identify challenges and   again received top honors.  McConville said the recommendation for
       decide whether to proceed with subsequent   The Ishin, the first LNG-fueled ship   consistent national environmental standards
       next-stage activities along with the content   owned by MOL, is in operation and   focused on outcomes rather than process
       of those activities. The acquired knowledge   building a solid track record as the first   will help improve environmental protection
       will also be widely disclosed in and out of   LNG-fueled tugboat serving Osaka Bay.   while supporting businesses’ needs.
       the industry.                       MOL also promotes the wider use of LNG   “While we still need time to consider
       MOL, July 16, 2020                  as a marine fuel as a forerunner in the trend   the Interim Report in detail, the headline

       Week 29   23•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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