Page 16 - MEOG Week 35.indd
P. 16

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              that unjustly encroaches on its own exclusive   The crisis has split members of the NATO
                                           economic zone.                       alliance and in a phone call with Turkish
       Turkey and Greece raise             each sought to bolster their territorial claims   President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday,
                                             In recent months, Turkey and Greece have
                                                                                alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg urged “dialogue
       the stakes in the Eastern           by drawing up exclusive maritime economic   and de-escalation”.
                                           zones with Libya and Egypt, respectively.
                                                                                  The EU warned Turkey on Friday that it
       Mediterranean                       The E.U. has stood firmly behind Greece and   could face new sanctions if tensions do not
                                                                                defuse. “The fact that the EU is appealing for
                                           last July sanctioned Turkey for carrying out
       Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean have   seismic surveys off the north Cypriot coast. It   dialogue on the one hand and at the same
       been simmering for a while, but during the   has repeatedly warned Turkey against carrying  time making other plans reflects a lack of
       past week, the taps have been turned up a   out further exploration.     sincerity,” Oktay said. “Turkey will not hesitate
       notch or two                          Beyond immediate territorial concerns,   to defend its interests.” he added
         The visual side of the issue came   the dispute draws in historical grievances and   The Eastern Mediterranean has become
       when Turkey intercepted six Greek F-16   contemporary military strategy. They include   an increasingly crowded space, between
       fighter jets as they took off from Crete and   the conflicted status of Cyprus, the wars   precarious refugee crossings from Libya to
       headed towards Southern Cyprus. The   in Libya and Syria, and the ongoing power   Europe, the flow of arms and mercenaries in
       Turkish navy also announced plans to hold   struggles in the region as U.S. influence wanes.  the other direction, and Russia’s new naval
       gunnery exercises close to the boundary   An increasingly agitated Germany said   hub at the Syrian port of Tartus.
       of its territorial waters in the northeast   ahead of an EU foreign ministers’ meeting on   So when a Turkish seismic vessel began
       Mediterranean during the present week.   the crisis in Berlin that both countries had   carrying out surveys in waters where Greece
       Turkey’s defence minister said that the   to end their naval manoeuvres if they really   also claims jurisdiction, shadowed by Turkish
       shooting drills were not linked to the growing   wanted a peaceful solution to the dispute.  warships, it added another dangerous element
       tensions with Greece and others. The two   “The preconditions for (direct   to the mix.
       NATO members have been staging rival war   negotiations) are that these manoeuvres in the   Since it began in mid-August, Turkey’s
       games in a conflict that could imperil Europe’s   eastern Mediterranean are stopped,” German   drilling program, and the gunboat diplomacy
       access to vast new energy deposits and further   Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said after   that has followed, has contributed to a
       destabilise war-torn Libya and parts of the   completing a failed round of diplomacy in   situation so volatile German foreign minister
       Middle East.                        Athens and Ankara this week.         Heiko Maas on Tuesday warned: “any small
         The Turkish navy also said it was   Greece also accused Turkish jets of an   spark could lead to catastrophe.” It has
       prolonging the stay of the Oruc Reis research   incursion as the two sides come to blows over   prompted Turkey to announce new live-fire
       vessel and its accompanying warships in   a longstanding dispute of maritime rights   military drills to be held off Cyprus’s northern
       waters claimed by Greece by an extra five days   and gas resources. Greece has also angered   coast next week, with Greece planning rival
       to Tuesday.                         Turkey with plans to expand its coastal zone   navy exercises with France, Cyprus, and Italy.
         The background to this tense state of   into the Ionian Sea by six nautical miles under   The dispute has divided EU leaders over how
       affairs is that Greece and Turkey have   international maritime law.     to manage Turkey and drawn in states as far-
       competing claims to the same parts of the   “You think we would accept such a thing?”   flung as Egypt and the UAE.
       eastern Mediterranean Sea and are at odds   Vice President Fuat Oktay said on Saturday, in   Meanwhile, Egypt earlier in August signed
       over the potentially abundant gas reserves   reference to Athens’s maritime border plans.   an accord with Greece on the development
       and maritime rights. The two countries have   “If this is not casus belli, then what is it?” he   of a joint maritime economic zone that
       overlapping claims to these areas of gas-rich   said using a Latin term for an act or event   Turkey claims is “null and void.” Egyptian
       waters. Greece’s position is that each of its   used to provoke or justify war.  leader Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has threatened
       islands—and there are thousands of them—is   The Greek foreign ministry said in a   to intervene militarily in Libya against
       entitled to its own continental shelf with   statement on Saturday: “We urge Turkey   Turkey. The UAE – which has deployed
       exclusive drilling rights. But Turkey says that   to understand that the international law is   U.S. manufactured warplanes in Libya –
       is an unfair interpretation of international law   binding for all countries of the world.”  reportedly sent four F16s to Crete last week to

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   02•September•2020
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