Page 18 - MEOG Week 35.indd
P. 18

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

         Rezaei-Kouchi underlined the importance   railway network can have a significant positive   US seizes websites of
       of expanding the country’s national railway   impact on the cost of goods, reducing the time
       network, saying: “Investment in railways can   of arrival of goods to the destination, as well   Iranian fuel traders
       be of great benefit to the country in saving fuel  as greater reliability and security,” he stressed.
       consumption and reducing pollution.”   The track-laying operations of Chabahar-  The Justice Department of the US has
         Referring to the country’s Sixth Five-Year   Zahedan railroad was started in early July in a   announced the seizure of three websites
       National Development Plan and the goals   ceremony attended by Iranian Transport and   used by three Irianian companies Mobin
       depicted in this plan for the expansion of   Urban Development Minister Mohammad   International, Sohar Fuel, and Oman Fuel
       railways, the official added: “Achieving a   Eslami and Deputy Transport Minister   who allegedly arranged a large volume of
       30-percent freight transportation capacity and   Kheirollah Khademi.     fuel shipment to Venezuela for the Islamic
       a 20-percent share of passenger traffic through   As previously reported, the project which is  Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
       railways is one of the goals that Islamic   aimed to connect Chabahar to Zahedan (the   The US filed a complaint in July seeking
       Republic of Iran Railways (RAI) is pursuing.”  capital city of southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan   to forfeit all petroleum product aboard oil
         He further mentioned the International   Province) is planned to be completed by   tankers Bella, Bering, Pandi and Luna and
       North-South Transport Corridor and said   the end of the Iranian calendar year of 1400   confiscated the cargo from all four vessels,
       that the India-Russia section of this route   (March 2022).              totalling approximately 1.116m barrels of
       will be completed through Iran, and the   Connecting the ports to the railway   petroleum in August.
       railway network has a major share in this   network is an issue seriously emphasized and   According to the Justice Department,
       section which can play an effective role for the   followed up by Iran over the recent years, as   the forfeiture complaint alleged how Iranian
       country’s economy.                  the country is strongly pursuing the objective   businessman Mohammad Madanipour used
         The official emphasized the necessity of   of boosting exports and transit via its ports.  a web of front companies, including Mobin
       joining the country’s production centers   Chabahar Port in southeast Iran is the   International, to perpetrate the scheme.
       through railways and added: “There are   most prioritized one for railway connection   Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh
       many production centers in the country that   as the port’s exemption from the new round   said this month that seized fuel belonged to
       unfortunately are not connected to the railway   of the U.S. sanctions on the country is an   Venezuela, not Iran.
       network and their cargoes are carried through   opportunity for the development of export,   SPLASH247
       road.”                              transit, and also transshipment.
         “Connection of production centers to the   TEHRAN TIMES

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   02•September•2020
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