Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 02 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                           This was echoed by Cimarex’s CEO, Thomas  $30s or lower $40s per barrel. It has estimated
                         Jorden, who said during the Goldman Sachs  that this year’s higher prices could push shale
                         event that his company would be “highly dis-  drillers’ cash from operations up by 32%.
                         ciplined in setting a budget”. Rising prices in   Rystad believes the potential for a new surge
                         recent years have “tended to be a bit of a mirage”,  of shale supply being added to the market
                         he warned.                           remains, noting that cash from operations is a
                           Some major shale drillers will allow some  key driver of US tight oil activity. If drillers can
                         growth to occur, though. Pioneer, for example, is  stay within their cash flows, the current oil price
                         maintaining its initial production growth target  level of around $50 per barrel will be enough to
                         of just 5%, unchanged following the announce-  allow for a ramp-up in new spending and drill-
                         ment of Saudi Arabia’s output cut.   ing, the consultancy said last week.
                           “I never anticipate growing above 5% under   “This increased activity has already started to
                         any conditions,” Pioneer’s CEO, Scott Sheffield,  manifest itself, with rig activity for tight oil up
                         said during the Goldman Sachs event. “Even  60% since the low point in August last year,” Rys-
                         if oil went to $100 a barrel and the world was  tad head of upstream research, Espen Erlingsen,
                         short of supply,” he said, the economics would  said. “Completion activity is also recovering,
                         not support adding rigs because service costs  measured by the number of wells started to be
                         would cut into margins.              completed by month.”                  Surges of new
                                                               A question remains over how long those
                         What next?                           shale drillers that have pledged restraint will be   tight oil output
                         Producers are currently in the process of final-  willing to maintain that if prices remain stable   are seen as
                         ising their fourth-quarter results for 2020, and a  or even strengthen further. Given the ongoing
                         clearer picture of output and targets for this year  wave of shale industry consolidation, there are   having helped
                         will emerge when those are announced.  fewer companies left to buck the trend in any
                           The last few years have illustrated how shale  meaningful way, so it is possible that many of   maintain
                         drillers can quickly add rigs in response to oil  the major companies will maintain relative dis-
                         price improvements, but they have also been  cipline, at least in the short term. But as Rystad   downward
                         blamed for contributing to the global oversup-  says, even this scenario could allow for new   pressure on crude
                         ply. Surges of new tight oil output are seen as  growth.
                         having helped maintain downward pressure on   Another factor will be what OPEC+ decides   prices.
                         crude prices, making it more difficult to bring  to do beyond March. It has been suggested,
                         about a definitive end to the downturn.  given which countries are cutting output and
                           Major producers have shown that they are  which are raising it, that Saudi Arabia’s influ-
                         wary of continuing this cycle, and their desire  ence in the group is waning, while Russia’s is
                         for restraint is bolstered by shareholder pressure  strengthening. Allowing Russia to raise pro-
                         to provide better returns, which has grown in  duction has also been noted as a possible sign of
                         recent years. Consultancy Rystad Energy says  future discord between the two countries, which
                         that in the top two US shale regions, some com-  – as illustrated in March 2020 – has the potential
                         panies can make a profit at price levels in the  to hit oil prices hard.™

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