Page 19 - DMEA Week 48 2020
P. 19
Abu Qir Fertilizers increases side waves that can cause ghost images or ULG 98 in the motor gasoline category.
trigger false actions or alarms. A broader
E-PLUS 91, used for low compression
profits by 9% choice of radar absorbing LNP STAT-KON engines, will be available across 44
compounds can help manufacturers to
existing ENOC service stations and 20
Abu Qir Fertilizers and Chemical Industries increase flexibility in sensor positioning and Emarat stations to cater to the specific fuel
reported a 9% Year on Year decline in its net function and to help design sensors that requirements of customers who primarily
profit in the first three months of the fiscal can be optimized for vehicle size and other operate commercial fleets; such as taxi
year 2020/2021, according to the company’s variables. companies, bus fleets, and car rentals and
financial statements filed to the Egyptian “Radar sensors are a critical component individuals with low compression engines.
Exchange. of the ADAS suite, in part because they can ENOC will offer all fuel grades; which
Net profit stood at EGP751.6mn in the operate in conditions such as poor visibility include Diesel, Special 95, Super 98 and
January-September 2020, compared to that impair LiDAR and camera functioning,” E-Plus 91 across 22 of its current service
EGP686.6mn achieved in the prior-year said Jeff Xu, LNP Product Manager, SABIC. stations, and plans to offer customers its full
period. “To support technology advancement in range of fuel offering in all future service
The company distributed the first tranche the radar sensor market, which is rapidly stations in the UAE.
of its annual cash dividends on October growing, SABIC continues to develop Similarly, E-Plus 91 supplements the
22nd. specialty materials that can enhance sensor Emarat fuel offerings of Diesel, Special
Abu Qir Fertilizers is an Egypt-based accuracy and reliability. Our growing 95 and Super 98. The 91 octane fuel is
company engaged in the agricultural portfolio of LNP compounds offers high currently available at 20 Emarat service
chemicals sector. absorption of radar waves as well as potential stations. The full roll out will be in three
The company focuses on the production, cost benefits compared to radar absorbing phases and the entire Emarat network is
distribution, and export of fertilizers, materials designed for military applications.” expected to be offering E-Plus 91 by the end
chemicals and related products. It operates The automotive radar market is forecasted of the first quarter of 2021.
in seven segments, which include Abu Qir to reach $12.16bn by 2025, growing at a To meet the demand of commercial
plant 1, 2, and 3, mixture fertilizers plant, CAGR of 20.8%, according to Grand View fleets, ENOC and Emarat will jointly
liquid fertilizers, ammonia and nitric acid, Research, Inc.[1] This rapid expansion can identify select stations across their retail
and others. be attributed to increased investments in the networks to replace diesel fuel and 98 with
automotive industry, higher vehicle sales, E-Plus 91.
greater emphasis on safety and innovations While Super 98 has a higher octane that
SABIC introduces new radar in radar technologies. Novel materials are makes it suitable for high-performance
petrol-driven vehicles with high
contributing to this growth trajectory by
absorbing LNP STAT-KON improving sensor performance. SABIC’s new compression engines, Special 95 offers
excellent performance for all petrol-driven
PBT-based LNP STAT-KON compounds
compounds deliver an RF absorption of 67% at 77GHz, vehicles with medium compression engines.
which could allow for increased ADAS
His Excellency Saif Humaid Al Falasi,
SABIC today introduced two new radar functionality for the automobile. To keep Group CEO, ENOC, said: “We recognise
absorbing LNP™ STAT-KON™ compounds pace with rapid advancements in radar the importance of providing a diverse fuel
for automotive radar sensors, significantly sensors, SABIC is developing additional offering to meet our customers demand for
expanding its portfolio of these specialty grades that are either based on new resins or fuel; for both individuals and commercial
materials. The new grades, based on have higher radar absorbing properties. fleet operators. The addition of E-PLUS 91
polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) resin, SABIC offers extensive expertise is in line with ENOC’s focus to enhance
may be used for integration with radomes in material development and a deep customer experience and accessibility to a
manufactured using PBT material, understanding of how radar units are wider range of products.
which can provide superior resistance to designed and should perform in the His Excellency, Ali Khalifa Al Shamsi,
automotive chemicals. They complement automotive environment. The company also Director General, Emarat said: “Expanding
and extend SABIC’s existing radar absorbing has access to innovative dielectric property our range of fuel offerings to include E-Plus
LNP STAT-KON compounds, which are tests and measurements in a wide range of 91 is a step in the right direction. We
based on polyetherimide (PEI) resin for frequencies, as well as modeling tools capable pride ourselves on delivering products and
withstanding higher processing temperatures of performing simulations to help radar services according to customer demands
or on polycarbonate (PC) resin for general sensor manufacturers and automotive OEMs and this initiative supports, in particular,
applications that require high durability and optimize system design and integration. our commercial customers as they review
a balance of physical properties. The high The complete line of SABIC’s radar business strategies creating leaner, more
radio frequency (RF) absorption of these absorbing LNP STAT-KON compounds is agile and cost-effective enterprises for the
compounds can help increase detection range globally available. future.”
and improve signal resolution. Through ENOC and Emarat service stations are
materials innovation, SABIC is contributing SABIC, December 2 2020 staffed by highly qualified, experienced
to the growth of automotive radar and the personnel ready to help customers with
design of next-generation sensors. ENOC and Emarat add all their motoring needs, using products
Radar sensors are widely used in that meet the highest international safety
advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), E-PLUS 91 to fuel offering and quality standards. All the fuel types
where they provide capabilities such as blind are labelled according to their octane level
spot detection, collision avoidance, automatic ENOC and Emarat today announced the to help customers choose the right fuel for
braking and traffic alerts. Radar absorbing addition of E-PLUS 91 to their diverse their engine type.
materials (RAM) are used to shield the field range of fuel offerings that include quality
of radar wave transmission and attenuate grades such as Special ULG 95 and Super
Week 48 03•December•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P19