Page 10 - GLNG Week 35 2022
P. 10

GLNG                                                ASIA                                               GLNG

       Bangladesh seeks long-term

       LNG contracts from Qatar

        CONTRACTS        BANGLADESH is doing its best to cope with the  tonne per year (tpy) increase to the current
                         high cost of energy by attempting to arrange a  15-year contract that it has with Qatar. The two
                         long-term LNG contract with Qatar, one of the  parties signed a 2.5mn tpy contract in 2017 and
                         world’s largest LNG exporters, and by talking to  deliveries began in 2018. Since then, Petrobangla
                         India about purchasing its surplus fuel stocks.  has imported 8.424mn tonnes of LNG from
                           Government investment adviser Salman  Qatar, as of January 2022. It is understood that
                         F. Rahman told an Investment Development  Petrobangla wants to extend the agreement for
                         Authority conference in Dhaka last week that  a longer period.
                         negotiations are underway with Qatar in order   Another agreement between Vitol and Qatar
                         to secure long-term LNG supply agreements.  Petroleum covers the import of another 1.25mn
                         The price of LNG in the Asian market has gone  tpy to Bangladesh. During 2019, the country
                         beyond $40 per mmBtu in recent weeks, making  imported some 3.89mn tonnes of LNG, which
                         purchases on the spot market for LNG impossi-  include contracts with Oman.
                         ble for Bangladesh.                    Bangladesh is expecting a steady increase
                           Rahman also said the government is attempt-  in demand for electricity. In order to meet its
                         ing to import fuel oil from India because of  domestic demand for liquid fuels, the country
                         international sanctions against Russian oil and  imports diesel and heavy fuels from 14 different
                         petroleum products. Russia has offered its oil at  sources.
                         reduced prices, but Bangladesh’s only refinery,   Commenting on the talks with India and fuel
                         Eastern Refinery Ltd, is not suited to process  supplies, Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen
                         Russian crude. India, however, has been buying  said India is in a better position on the fuel issue.
                         Russian oil at reduced prices and is reported to  “We will try to go for a long-term deal with them
                         have extra stocks.                   if they have a surplus,” he said. “But it will depend
                           The energy crisis is the biggest challenge fac-  on how much surplus they have. They have their
                         ing the Bangladeshi economy over the next six  own supply and demand thing,” he added. But
                         months, Rahman said, adding that because the  he said he expected the Indian government to
                         country generates 70% of its electricity through  help Dhaka.
                         gas-fired power stations, it would like to secure   Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
                         alternatives for local gas resources.  will visit India on September 5-8, during which
                           It was reported earlier this year that state-  time the proposal will be discussed.™
                         owned Petrobangla had been discussing a 1mn

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35  02•September•2022
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