Page 11 - GLNG Week 35 2022
P. 11

GLNG                                               ASIA                                               GLNG

       China resells LNG to Europe

        CONTRACTS        CHINA is selling its surplus LNG cargoes to  first sixth months of this year.
                         Europe, providing the latter with some relief   COVID-19 restrictions as well as the fall-out
                         as European gas prices soar as a result of the  from weaker economic growth meant that Chi-
                         summer heatwaves and cutbacks in Russian gas  na’s real gross domestic product (GDP) growth
                         supply.                              in the first half of the year amounted to a mere
                           European LNG imports soared 60% year on  2.5%. Meanwhile, the central government has
                         year in the first six months of this year, accord-  also taken steps to bolster energy production
                         ing to Kpler, amounting to 53mn tonnes. At the  amid the energy crisis, and involves bringing
                         same time, Chinese imports dropped 20.3% y/y  more coal-fired power plants back online at the
                         in January to July, as demand has been crippled  expense of LNG demand. According to Nikkei
                         by coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic restric-  Asia, Shanxi Province, for example, has boosted
                         tions. While those restrictions are starting to be  its coal output by 100mn tonnes to 1.3bn tonnes
                         eased, in the meantime China has the opportu-  this year and plans to add a further 50mn tonnes
                         nity to resell LNG it does not need to Europe.  of supply in 2023.
                           According to Nikkei Asia, Chinese LNG   China has also stepped up its own gas supply,
                         trader JOVO Group recently disclosed it had  with domestic production on track to rise by 7%
                         resold an LNG cargo to a European buyer, and  y/y in 2022, according to gas consulting firm SIA
                         a futures trader told the news site that the profit  Energy. The drop in China’s LNG needs has had
                         from such a deal could amount to tens of mil-  implications for international prices. LNG prices
                         lions of dollars and possibly even $100mn. Chi-  in Asia are currently at around $45 per mmBtu,
                         nese energy giant Sinopec also acknowledged  while European prices are exceeding $60 per
                         in April that it had been diverting excess LNG  mmBtu. In a typical year, LNG supplies to Asia
                         cargoes to the international market. Local media  sell at a premium to European deliveries, but
                         reports estimate that Sinopec alone has resold 45  that long-running trend reversed late last year as
                         cargoes of LNG, or around 3.15mn tonnes, and  a result of Russian cuts to Europe’s gas supply and
                         the total amount of resold Chinese LNG was  other factors.™
                         likely equal to 7% of Europe’s gas imports in the

       Week 35  02•September•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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