Page 7 - GLNG Week 35 2022
P. 7

GLNG                                             AFRICA                                               GLNG

      Senegal sees Phase 2 of LNG

      production starting at GTA by 2025

       PROJECTS          MACKY Sall, the president of Senegal, said on  with all preparations for the launch of Phase 1
                         September 1 that he expects BP (UK) to launch  operations at the GTA block, which straddles
                         the second phase of its natural gas and LNG  the offshore border between Mauritania and
                         development project at the offshore Greater  Senegal. They expect to begin extracting gas
                         Tortue/Ahmeyim (GTA) block in 2024 or 2025.  in the third quarter of 2023 and will then load
                            Speaking on the opening day of the MSGBC  and export their first cargo of LNG in the fourth
                         Oil, Gas & Power 2022 conference in Dakar,  quarter of the same year.
                         Sall said BP and its US-based partner Kosmos   Gordon Birrell, BP’s executive vice president
                         Energy anticipated spending $5bn on Phase 2,  for production and operations, said separately at
                         which will boost the volume of LNG produced  the MSGBC Oil, Gas & Power 2022 conference
                         from GTA gas to 5mn tonnes per year (tpy) to  on September 1 that work on the floating pro-
                         10mn tpy. (His figures are at odds with those  duction, storage and off-loading (FPSO) vessel
                         previously stated by the investors, which have  that will be installed at GTA was moving for-
                         said they aim to produce 2.5mn tpy of LNG in  ward. The ship is slated to sail from the Chinese
                         Phase 1 and 5mn tpy in Phase 2, perhaps rising  shipyard where it is being built before the end of
                         in stages later to 10mn tpy. The reasons for the  2023, he said.
                         discrepancy were not immediately clear.)  GTA contains around 15 trillion cubic feet
                            The president also reported that the compa-  (425bn cubic metres) of gas, enough to support
                         nies would not be waiting to launch Phase 2 and  an export-oriented LNG project as well as pipe-
                         would start work on the next part of the project  line deliveries to Senegal’s domestic market. Kos-
                         shortly after bringing Phase 1 online in 2023.  mos discovered gas at the block in 2015 and then
                         “Phase 2 ... will come immediately after Phase  teamed up with BP for the project in 2016.
                         1,” he stated.                         The two companies made an FID on Phase
                            He did not say when the project’s sharehold-  1 of the project in late 2018. To support LNG
                         ers were likely to make a final investment deci-  production, they have contracted Bermu-
                         sion (FID) on Phase 2 of the project. US-based  da-registered Golar LNG to convert the Gimi
                         Kosmos stated recently that they hoped to reach  LNG tanker into an FLNG vessel with a Phase
                         this milestone by the end of the third quarter of  1 production capacity of 2.5mn tonnes per year
                         2022.                                (tpy).™
                            BP and its partner are about 80% complete

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