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P. 46
SLO® 2017-18 (Grade Level)
SLO® 2017-18 @ Grade Level Grades 5-11 The SLO® is the heart and soul of any SABIS®
school, therefore devising and witnessing an amazing team of dedicated staff and
students/prefects each year is each school’s top priority. This year the global SLO® theme is
accountability, which strives to demonstrate the importance of responsibility to every student.
Through efficient monitoring over the past year, our new SLO® team have new and improved
objectives that promises to deliver a school that will come together in synergy and unity. Each
Grade has a Head and a Deputy Head of Grade Prefect well as Head and Deputy Head of
Department @ Grade Level for each of the eight deparetments in SLO® because teamwork and
supporting our buddy is better in our eyes!