Page 231 - ISCDXB yearbook2016
P. 231

Name: Salma Basiony
                                               Date of birth:
                                               Favorite quote:

     Name: Sameen Bolourian
     (i.e. Sammy Bee/ Sammy/ Pif/ Hungry Gotta
     Blast/ Bede/ Sam Bam)
     Date of birth:14/4/1999
     Hobbies: Watching series
     Major: Chemical engineering
     Favorite quote: “You can waste your lives
     drawing lines. Or you can live your life
     crossing them.” - Grey's Anatomy

     Woah the time has finally come and I cant believe
     it's my turn to write my senior statement. School is
     finally over and I don't know how to go through not
     seeing you guys every day. Being in Choueifat for
     fourteen years has been tough, but I should thank
     my parents and teachers for supporting me and
     helping me throughout all these years. Although I
     used to complain because we had to study a lot, it
     will always be my second home. I have made so
     many good memories in this school it's unbelievable,
     and I have to thank my amazing friends for that. I
     love you guys so much. You're the best and I hope
     the best for all of you. We made it.
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