Page 230 - ISCDXB yearbook2016
P. 230
Name: Saeed .G. Khraish
(i.e. Saoudi ,Susu, Junior )
Date of birth: 29/03/99
Hobbies: American-Football , Soccer,
Basketball, and Snowboarding
Major: Civil Engineering
Favorite quote: It ain’t about how hard you hit.
It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep
moving forward how much you can take and keep
moving forward that’s how winning is done.
This is it. The end yet the beginning. I have been waiting
for this moment for a long time but now that there is
no more time left I wish I could go back in time and
enjoy every moment that I rushed. Firstly, I would like
to thank my parents for being by my side when I
needed them the most, for always pushing me and
motivating me to be the man I am today. Secondly, I
would like to thank all my teachers. Thirdly, I would
like to thank Sports. Finally I would like to thank all
friends for all the moments and memories we have
shared together. I am so proud to be graduating with
every single person of Class of 2016.
Love my Ma & Pap, siblings, grand-pa, MSK <3, HERD
Name: Sagarika Shinde
(i.e. Saga )
Date of birth: 03/12/98
Hobbies: Shopping,Reading, Nail Art, Swimming
Major: ACCA
Favorite quote: “Let your smile change the
world, but don't let the world change yours
smile.“ - Anonymous
I have been in this school since KG1, so I've spent
a great deal of my life here. Choueifat has definitely
taught me to handle a lot of pressure very well.
During my 14 years at this school, I have met many
wonderful people and found amazing friends. I am so
glad and thankful I have had great teachers who
guided me and helped me through my schooling. I
can't believe that after all these years of wanting
school to end, it finally is. Although I am excited to
start a new journey, it is bittersweet knowing
that I only have a few more months of school left.
I will miss this school, my second home, so much.
Thank you for all the lovely memories you gave me!