Page 226 - ISCDXB yearbook2016
P. 226
Name: Rawan Al Asmar
(i.e. Roro, Bean, Chihuahua )
Date of birth: 04/11/98
Hobbies: Dance, Eating, Netflix
Major: Media
Favorite quote: “Life can’t ever be all good or all
bad. No matter how bad or good things get, they
always come back to the middle. Things will
always even out.”
I can just hear my parents crying in the background
at how they’re going to have to deal with me for 4
more years. No, but in all seriousness, I really do owe
it all to my parents for putting up with me. I hate to
be the cheesy one here but bear with me. I’ve had the
greatest moments of my life atthis school. I’ve met
such wonderful people and I thank every single one of
my friends for coping with me. I’ve been here since the
beginning and it’s crazy to think that I’m now
graduating and stepping into a new life. It’s terrifying
not knowing what we’re all about to face, but that’s
what makes it all the more exciting.
Name: Reem Issa
(i.e. Nemo (credits to Fadwa), Ramroom,
Remozita (don’t ask)
Date of birth: 26/12/98
Hobbies: Painting, reading, endless midnight
conversations in the middle of a park with
my besties.
Major: Medicine-surgery
Favorite quote: “Life is not waiting for the
storm to stop, it’s learning how to dance in
the rain.” - “ One of the greatest pleasures in
life is accomplishing what others perceive as
I was always in such a rush to graduate, to leave,
to “escape” a place that has become my second home.
This school has given me the opportunity to make my
family proud and be worthy of all the support they
have invested in me. It is the place I met my best
friends, Fadwa, Dana and Fatima, who not only taught
me what loyalty and true friendship means but also lit
up my days with their smiles, hugs and everlasting love.
In this place I grew to be the independent, opinionated
person that I am and I’ve learned to believe in myself
enough to make my dreams realities. What I will take
with me are the special, innocent moments sitting on
a bench in the middle of school surrounded by the people
I love most as our laughter forever echoes in these walls.