Page 225 - ISCDXB yearbook2016
P. 225
Name: Rana Mosalem
(i.e. Ranoosh)
Date of birth: 28/1/1999
Hobbies: reading, painting and listening to
Major: undecided
Favorite quote: "I don't know if I'm going deaf
or if it's the height difference... but I can only
hear 70% of the things short people say to
me." -Unknown
I'm not going to lie, in my experience, high
school has been difficult and I still don't know
how I got through it. Thankfully I have an
amazing family and friends who have
supported me through it. Oh, and before I end
this, Daria Morgendorffer once said: "There's
ect, no facett
ect, no face
no aspect, no facet, no moment in life that
e improved
e improved
can’t be improved by pizza."
Name: Raneem Khoury
(i.e. Raneemo/Ranoomeh)
Date of birth: 21/05/1999
Hobbies: eating cereal, binge-watching tv
shows, pretending I know what I’m talking
about, sleeping
Major: Law/Engineering
Favorite quote: "Would I rather be feared or
loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid
of how much they love me.” - Michael Scott
Procrastination, existential crises, revision sheets,
basic questions, exams, and preplist are merely a
few things that sum up Choueifat; however, amidst
the storm of self-doubt, I have made it and
honestly, I crushed it (wasn’t easy though). First of
all, shoutout to my incredible parents, I owe you my
entire life (literally). Baba, thanks for the
sandwiches and chocolate milk; Mama, thanks for
enduring my rants and breakdowns. Dina, the
koopa troopa to my yoshi, I love you so much —
can’t wait to keep annihilating you on rainbow road.
To seniors 16’, I wouldn’t have chosen any other
group of people to graduate with — love you. Best
of luck friends, I’ll remember you all in therapy.