Page 3 - Newsletter March
P. 3

Flow Family

                                   Special Mentions

                                                                                                March, 2020

                                 Text                                                       Photo

                     Want to quickly solve problems in life?

             What's making you feel stuck and holding you back from living the life you want?

                         Break Bad Habits                          Improve Focus

                      Stop Procras�na�ng                            Keep Posi�ve

       As a first step, it is important to realize that there is a problem. Because problems can cause
       anxiety, many people will try to avoid, ignore or procras�nate when dealing with difficult

       issues in their lives.
       Unfortunately, avoiding your problems usually causes them to come back, and a small problem

       can become a big problem over �me. So, how can you recognize a problem early on?

           Hint: Write it down. When a problem causes you anxiety, it is best to use a pen and paper
           and to work it out in wri�en form. You are more likely to deal with a problem when it is
           wri�en down in front of you.

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