Page 4 - Newsletter March
P. 4
Flow Family
Key Point: There is always a benefit to solving problems. Remember that if you solve a
problem, even a difficult one, it is one less thing to worry about, and one less problem
on your problem list!
Remember: When it comes to difficult problems, the first idea that comes to your
mind is not always the best. Take the �me to come up with new possibili�es.
The goal is to find the best solu�on to your problem, NOT the perfect solu�on. If there
was a “perfect” solu�on, you would have already found it. March, 2020
TIP: Solving the difficult problems in life is hard work, so make sure to reward yourself
a�erward for a job well done.
Picture taken from: The Balance Careers
“ Just one small positive thought
in the morning can change
your whole day. ”
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