Page 9 - Newsletter March
P. 9

Events Calendar

   Tuesday, March 24th.

   Shark Talk
   Shark Talk is coming to Li�le Cayman for the very first �me! Join The Guy Harvey Ocean Founda�on
   at Southern Cross Club at 6pm to watch a documentary covering 17 years of scien�fic research on
   S�ngray City Sandbar followed by Q&A. Event is free. Email for more

   Friday, March 27th.

   Ȼhange For Ȼhange Coin Drive

   The ¢hange for ¢hange Coin Drive is one of Meals on Wheels’ largest fundraisers of the year.
   It costs Meals on Wheels approximately $30,000 to feed 245 seniors every month. To raise funds
   for this, Meals on Wheels volunteers will be sta�oned around Grand Cayman on 27 and  28 March
   ready to collect any loose change. Last year ¢hange for ¢hange Coin Drive helped to raise funds to
   provide over 6,000 nutri�ous hot meals to seniors. The ¢hange for ¢hange Coin Drive is generously
   sponsored by Davenport Development, who kindly covers the costs of the volunteer t-shirts,
   supporter s�ckers and dona�on buckets. To volunteer, or to have a bucket setup at your school or
   company, contact Meals on Wheels on 345-769-1974.

   St. Igna�us Spring Fling
   The annual St. Igna�us Spring Fling (School Fair) features lots of food, fun, games, entertainment
   and prizes for all ages. There will be a white elephant stall, plant stall, pony rides, bouncy castle
   and more. There will also be a prize drawing with a $2020 cash prize and lots of other prizes.
   Tickets are $5 and $1 �ckets are on sale for food/drinks/games. Spring Fling proceeds will support
   the S.T.E.M. and Robo�cs programmes, Sports Hall fund, and other HSA projects. Call 345-949-9250
   or email hsa@st-igna� for more informa�on.

   Saturday, March 28th.

   Shark Talk On The Beach

   Watch a movie on the beach under the stars at The Wes�n, featuring the first ever public showing
   of “Sharks!: A Guy Harvey Expedi�on.” Movie will start at 7pm, with happy hour beforehand.
   Bring your own blanket. Limited chairs available. Free Event. Everybody is welcome to a�end.
   Visit or email for more informa�on.

   Sunday, March 29th.

   QEII Botanic Park Orchid Show

   The Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park and the Cayman Islands Orchid Society invites the public to
   explore an array of beau�ful orchids at the Orchid Show and Sale on Saturday and Sunday the 28
   and 29 March. Enjoy educa�onal talks, music and delicious food alongside the spring�me blooms
   and with hundreds of orchids on sale, you can take one home. Starts at 9am. $5 for adults, free for
   children under 12. Contact 345-947-9462 or for more informa�on.

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