Page 2 - The Standard - June 2019
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Welcome to
The Standard.
Your monthly
business update.
This is my last LEO Standard before capex investments are underway
moving on from my role as CEO. I or planned so these will see building
wanted to take the opportunity to upgrades over the coming months.
wish all of you the very best for the
future. LEO is a fantastic business In addition, we have talked about
with great people and I have no a new approach to people and
doubt at all that the business will enhancing the LEO team. With
have an exciting future. The best Gary Acheson, Head of Learning &
thing about this business is the team Development, and Nathalie Rafferty,
and I have enjoyed the times I have Learning and Development Manager,
spent with you in both a work and now in their roles in a strengthened
social setting. HR team, the business is looking
forward also to the arrival of Justin
As you know, the business is focused Skinner as Director of Brand &
now on some exciting developments. Marketing and part of the Executive
These include the upcoming re-fresh Committee on 3rd July. They will all
of the brand, a major investment in add real value to the LEO team in the
digital technology, the new ‘Client for future.
Life’ training and a number of areas Good luck and best wishes to all!
of focus for delivering best in class
customer service. In addition, certain
Jason Leek
Chief Executive