Page 4 - The Standard - June 2019
P. 4
Centre News
All of the GMs and a number of the DGM’s & sales
team have recently undertaken the new 2-day
Clients for Life training course. The course looks at
the different behavioural profiles that can be found
throughout different people, and how we can adapt
our knowledge of these behaviours when holding
conversations with clients.
The DISC profile is a non-judgemental tool used for discussion
of people’s behavioural differences. The profile is generated by
completing a series of questions that produce a detailed report
about their behavioural traits.
What are the different behavioural profile traits?
As well as learning the different characteristics, the course
is aimed at providing us with tips on how we can adapt our
behaviour when holding meetings with different
clients to suit their behavioural styles, and the
best ways of communicating with them. All
the attendees have fed back that they have
found it very beneficial in helping them to
structure meetings with clients and how to
impart or gain information from them. The
rest of the DGMs and sales team are due
to attend the course over the following
months so that we are all equipped
with this new way of approaching client
June 2019