Page 4 - The Standard - January 2019
P. 4

Centre News

           The 5  round of Centre Audits were completed in December, with
           our teams once again showing great dedication to the process.

           In order to have a greater reflection of   •   6 buildings increased and 2
           how the building was being maintained,   buildings  maintained  their
           all communal areas were audited for   AML score, which is amazing
           the  first  time. As well  as  this,  25%  of   considering the vast quantity of
           all residential and virtual clients were   clients that were audited
           audited from an AML perspective. The   •   The average IT score has increased
           effect of this was that every building   by 20% over the past year
           had  their  own  maximum  score,  whilst   •   From the last quarter, the average
           still having a total out of 100%.    IT score increased to 96%, up from
           Overall, the average  score decreased   •   Centre  Standards  have  also
           3.7% to 90.5%, owing largely to the   improved across the board, with
           significant amount of AML clients that   an average rise of 3%
           were audited. This impacted on the   •   57%  of buildings  improved their
           final score for many buildings, however   Centre  Standards, while 10%  of
           there was still a 2.1% increase on the   the buildings maintained their
           average score from last year.        score in this area
                                            •   Whilst the average score for
           There were many positive factors to   Centre Procedures declined by 3%,
           take from this audit process:        14 centres achieved 100% for this
                                                area, and 6 centres maintained

           January 2019
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