Page 2 - The Standard - January 2019
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Welcome to
The Standard.
you monthly
business update.
At London Executive Offices we The show suite is ready at Octagon
pride ourselves in providing job Point St Pauls and the reaction from
opportunities, job stability and our first viewings has been really
elevation for everyone regardless of positive – I hope to have more news
gender. Our portfolio is established on this next month.
by diversity with women accounting
for two thirds of all employees. Our target for the end of the year is
to hit an average 90% occupancy at
It was great to catch up with so all of our centres. This is a stretching
many of you at Michelin House two target but I am confident that with
weeks’ ago and I hope you enjoyed teamwork and dedication, we can
the evening – my thanks to everyone achieve it.
who helped make it such a success.
Jason Leek
Chief Executive