Page 3 - The Standard - January 2019
P. 3
Key dates Launch Event, Nova North
21st October 2015:
32 Curzon Street
Breakfast Launch Event
22nd October 2015:
LEO Recruitment
Evening - Michelin House
28th October 2015:
Michelin House Breakfast
Event - Meeting & Event
29th October 2015:
Michelin House After
Work Drinks - Meeting
& Event Space
11th November 2015:
LEO Recruitment Evening
No.1 Cornhill
Centre News
The recent customer survey A survey will be sent in the
sent to all residential coming weeks to virtual
customers received 90 customers, and we will of
responses, with 89% of course share the feedback
customers grading our once it has been collated.
overall service as either
excellent or good. Well done Finally, the nominations are
to everyone on receiving now open for Q3 employee
such a positive result! of the quarter. Please
submit your nomination
A special mention to those by Friday 23rd October to Ovit, conem renimil ide
who were personally named your AGM. The winner will be nimus quost facepta
by customers for their high announced at the beginning audam que sitiosa
standards and service: Alex of November. ndelibus, voluptu
Melhuish, Mel Reeves, Lucy
Masters, Liz Wilmot, Lenuta Conal O’Hara scimagnatis enis plabo.
Juncu, Sandra Szaboova, Ted Chief Operating Officer Sant labore, occus.
Janecki, Rebecca Holborn, Atia velendae landae
Steven Pooley, Joanne
Mirfield, Andrea Bosi and
Bianca Salmon.