Page 104 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 104

Technical Education

               experience through shadowing and clinical hours in an   students  will  be  immediately  employable  after
               approved healthcare facility.                      graduation.
               Students wishing to attend college will have a good   The  first  year  students  learn  the  foundations  of  the
               foundation for a declared major in any health related   Firefighting and EMS field, featuring a wide variety of
               field.  Students  will  be  required  to  join  the  student   practical learning
               organization Health Occupations Students of America   experiences  and  related  academic  classes.  Students
               (HOSA)  and  may  compete  in  local,  regional  &   will  be  exposed  to  and  become  proficient  in
               national  activities.  Students  may  earn  a  CPR   foundational  skills  necessary  in  the  Fire  and  EMS
               certification, a personal training certification (ACSM)   career, including:
               and certification as a physical therapy aide (AMCA).   •  Communications
                                                                    •  Leadership and teamwork
                                                                    •  Problem solving skills
               Fire/EMS Training                                    •  Safety and wellness
                                                                    •  Ethical and legal responsibilities
               Academy I & II                                       •  Employability Skills
               Juniors (Tri- C East Campus)                         •  CPR/First Aid Training

               Seniors (Tri-C West Campus)                        The second year, students will spend the first semester
               College Tech Prep                                  at Tri C Eastern Campus enrolled in a college level
               Fire/EMS I                                         EMT class and the second semester is spent at Tri C
               Foundations of Fire Fighting and Emergency Medical   Western  Campus  attending  the  Fire  Academy.  It
               Services                                           should  be  stressed  that  the  EMT  and  Firefighting
               Fire/EMS II                                        programs are at a college level and require substantial
               Emergency Medical Technician; 1st semester senior   study  time  outside  of  class  time  to  be  successful.
                 year                                             Students  must  achieve  and  maintain  an  80%  grade
               Firefighter I (2nd semester, 3rd quarter, Senior year)   average and meet the attendance requirements in order
               Firefighter II; (2nd semester, 4th quarter, Senior year)   to be eligible to sit for the State examination.

               Pre-requisite: Interview by the instructor. By program
                start date student must have completed coursework
                required for junior status at their home school   Information Technology
                including seven (7) credits with a mandatory two (2)   and Programming I & II
                credits each earned in English and Mathematics. To
                enter the EMT/Fire Academy all students are       (Mayfield High School)
                required to have a physical on file by the start of   College Tech Prep
                their junior year.                                ITP I
               Recommendations:  Good  discipline  record,  good   Core Courses:  Programming Logic & Design
               study habits                                         Principles of Web
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          ITP II
               Education                                          Computer Software
               3 credits each year                                Computer Hardware
                                                                  Senior Pathway Options:  Industry Certification Prep:
               15 credits through University of Akron             PC Pro/CompTIA A+ PC Technician; Network
               6 credits through Kent State University            Pro/CompTIA Net+; Security Pro/CompTIA
               25 credits CT2                                     Security+; Linux Pro/CompTIA Linux+; Adobe
               Career: H, P                                       Creative Suite.
                                                                  Non-Certification Options:  Unity Game
               Be sure to read course description before            Development (C#.Net Programming), Mobile
               committing to this program.                          Applications Development (Android & iOS w/Java
                                                                    and Objective-C), JAVA Computer Programming
               The  Fire/EMS  Training  Academy  is  partnered  with   ALL COURSES ARE SEMESTER
               Cuyahoga  Community  College  and  is  a  two-year   Satisfies Mayfield Technology requirement.
               commitment.  Students  have  the  potential  (provided
               you meet all requirements of the program) to take the   Prerequisite:    Interview  by  Instructor.    By  program
               State  of  Ohio  Emergency  Medical  Technician  and   start date student must have completed coursework
               Professional  Firefighter  Exam.  Upon  completion,   required  for  junior  status  at  their  home  school
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