Page 106 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 106

Technical Education

               including 3 credits for Medical Terminology        Marketing  is  a  college-preparatory  program  for
               Certifications  Available:    Licensed  Practical  Nurse   students interested in studying business, marketing or
               (LPN),  State  Tested  Nursing  Assistant  (STNA)  &   a related field in college. Marketing provides a hands-
               CPR                                                on  experience  for  our  students  in  a  fun,  real-world
               Career: H                                          environment. Students  will develop  marketing skills
                                                                  outside of the classroom and interact with individuals
               This unique program is approved by the Ohio Board   in  the  business  world  by  developing  and  operating
               of Nursing, C.O.E, and the Ohio Department of Career   their own company.
               and Technical Education.  It is 1 of only 4 high school   Students  participate  in  Junior  Achievement  which
               nursing programs in the state of Ohio.  It progresses   helps  them  develop  marketing  and  entrepreneurial
               from  the  simple  to  complex  in  theory,  skills  and   skills outside the classroom. All students are employed
               clinical  practice.    Some  of  the  courses  include:    in diverse fields of choice and are evaluated at their
               fundamentals  of  nursing  which  includes  a  skill  lab   work sites.
               component, body and structure, nutrition, professional
               relationships,  pharmacology  and  medical/surgical
               nursing.  Clinical experience is correlated with theory   Medical Assisting I &II
               and  is  provided  at  local  hospitals,  rehab  facilities,
               assisted living facilities and nursing homes.      (Northern Career Institute-Eastlake Campus)
               Upon successful completion of the nursing course, the   College Tech Prep
               graduate takes the Ohio Board of Nursing examination   Med Assist I
               which  provides  licensure  for  the  graduate.    Once   Medical Terminology
               licensed,  the  graduate  nurse  is  able  to  provide   Patient Centered Care and Diagnostics
               comprehensive total nursing care to people of all ages.     Med Assist II
                                                                  Lifespan Development and Medical Intervention
                                                                  Medical & Dental Office Technology
               Marketing                                          ALL COURSES ARE FULL YEAR
               Communications                                       Prerequisite:    Interview  by  Instructor.    By  program

               (Beachwood High School)                            start  date  student  must  have  completed  coursework
               College Tech Prep                                  required  for  junior  status  at  their  home  school
               Grade 12 only                                      including seven (7) credits with a mandatory two (2)
               Business Foundations                               credits each earned in English and Mathematics.
               Marketing Principles                               Clinical  Requirements:  During  the  senior  year
               Marketing Applications                             students attend clinical sites and will need to provide
               Integrated Marketing Communications                their own transportation to and from the sites. Clinical
               Marketing Tech Work                                hours  may  extend  outside  the  school  day.  Students
               ALL COURSES ARE SEMESTER                           must  pass  a  BCI  background  check,  negative  drug
               Prerequisite:  This program is designed for students   screen and submit evidence of other health screening
               entering  their  senior  year.    Prerequisites  include  an   requirements  which  are  required  by  clinical  sites.
               interview  by  instructor  and  by  program  start  date   Students must also pass CPR (training provided during
               student must have completed coursework required for   the course) prior to attending clinicals.
               senior status at their home school by program start date   Recommended   For:   College   Bound/Technical
               Recommendations:  Followed  a  college  preparatory   Education
               course  of  study,  good  attendance  and  discipline   Certifications Available:  Registered
               records.                                           Medical  Assistant  (RMA),  CPR  &  Certified
               Recommended For: College Bound/Technical             Phlebotomy Technician (CPT)
               Education                                          3 credits each year
               3 credits
                                                                  4 credits through Cuyahoga Community College
               7 through Cuyahoga Community College               10 credits through Lakeland Community College
               9 credits through Lakeland Community College       30 credits through University of Akron
               12 credits through University of Akron             30 credits through Kent State University
               6 credits through Kent State University            3 credits CT2 for Medical Terminology
               Career: B                                          Career: H, P

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