Page 8 - Character Designer's Handbook [2020 Sampler Edition]
P. 8

Getting the Most out of the Book        Make your cast a well-oiled machine...
                                  Learn the cast creation techniques that will turn

 This book packs a lot of information in so here are some tips on  any cast you create into a perfectly complimentary,
 how to benefit from it the most.      cohesive, and contrasting character group.

             Learn to infuse visual and non-visual elements...

             Learn to infuse personality into appearance,props,
 Utilize the visual references  and even wardrobe so your character is a perfect
 Utilize the various visual references to help you  reflection of who they are.

 create from example.

                                 Use small details to make

                                        characters pop...
 Learn new ways to define your character...  Learn the importance of
 Discover tools you may not have thought of  small touches and how you

 to improve character development such as  can use them for big impact

 their clothing,hair, and language.  and subtle development.

 Learn to develop richer                     Spice up boring characters...

 Learn to create in-depth                      Learn how to take a plain

 character profiles and a                    character and spice them up
                                                with rich backstory,eye-
 stronger backbone for                        catching looks, or shocking

 your character.
 Transform your                                       transformations.


 Learn to convert your
 character to a different                               Learn the Basics...

 genre, gender, or even a       Build a strong foundation for your design skills by

 different race so they're         learning about color theory,archetypes and the

 not just well-developed         things you need to know about character design.
 but also versatile.

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