Page 2 - Shift 3 Newsletter - Septemper 2018
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Shift 3 Newsletter                                                              Monthly publication by JSOD – Shift 3

September 2018

 Employee Engagement Survey

      Newly our company compass was sailing to new direction by replacing the 4CB survey by Employee
      Engagement Survey that will be monitored mainly by our Company CEO, in order to reflect on the
      employee and the company, basically the employee is proud of his career and what to give for the
      company beyond the philosophy of salary and elevation. The Employee Engagement Survey will be
      taking place on different phases starting from August 30 until September 23, during this period
      communication awareness segment which was finalized by our group during night shift. Phase II will be
      on September 24 up to Sep 27, explain and understanding the survey question for this dated, September
      27 the head start companywide to response to the survey, all these phases were explained in depth to
      our group members by taking the extra mile preparing for the engagement, truly we believe shift 3 are
      ready for the Employee Engagement Survey.

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