Page 3 - Shift 3 Newsletter - Septemper 2018
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Shift 3 Newsletter
September 2018 Monthly publication by JSOD – Shift 3
Sport Session The Proper Behavior of
In an effort to enhance physical fitness, build healthier lifestyles and Security Officers
improve the overall well-being among JSOD shift 3 members team , young
employees have established “physical activities program” outside the Behavior is an important element in our work, being a successful security officer goes beyond just knowing how to do your job.
times of working hours that will held weekly basis which initially aims to It also involves knowing how to properly conduct yourself. Working in security calls for people who are very much in control of
maintain exercise at least once a week. Moreover, the regular exercise is their personalities and behaviors, 100 percent of the time, please find below successful security officer behaviors
one of the best things you can do for your health. It has many benefits,
including improving overall health and fitness, reducing the risk of many Authoritative Behavior
chronic diseases and reversing that benefit to security job performance
with changing work-life balance. A good security officer must be able to conduct himself in an authoritative manner.
Much of being a security officer is centered around monitoring the actions of others.
Composed Behavior
Proper security officer behavior is composed and unruffled. Pressure-packed situations
are the name of the game for officers, and it's important for them to be able to navigate
their way through things that might make others frustrated or stressed out
Reliable Behavior
Reliable behavior serves as the groundwork for a security officer career. Working as a
security officer calls for personalities that don't get distracted or fall off track. Not only
is it crucial for security officers to be timely in arriving to work, it's crucial for them to
monitor the property on a set schedule.
Respectable Behavior
Another key security officer behavior is decency. When a person is employed as an
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officer, he has a lot of responsibility on their shoulders, whether it relates to the
security of people or property