Page 5 - Shift 3 Newsletter - Septemper 2018
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Shift 3 Newsletter                                                                               Monthly publication by JSOD – Shift 3

September 2018

On Job Training

How to Manually Operate     An awareness session has been         Emergency Alarms Types
   Hydraulic Crash Barrier  conducted at NJBP Gate 12 in regard
                            to how to manually operate Hydraulic  In our line of work hazards are surrounding us. Therefore,
                            Crash Barrier in case of electrical   recognizing emergency sound alarms is very important it
                            power outage                          could save lives and distinguished the type of emergency
                                                                  such as emergency siren, stop work alarm and (H2S) gas
                                                                  released alarm, the night shift was good opportunity
                                                                  familiarized our colleagues about Emergency Alarms
                                                                  Types and how to react when they hear the alarm sound.

                                                                  Major Revision to (SOPs) and ISO                    An awareness session was conducted among all
                                                                  Policies & Procedures Sharek Web                    shift members buildup on the steps presented
                                                                  pages                                               to simplify how to access ISO Policies &
                                                                                                                      Procedures Sharek Web pages and how to find
                                                                                   Saudi Aramco: Company General Use  a specific elements on Standard Operating
                                                                                                                      Procedures related to our duty, moreover the
                                                                                                                      manpower were encouraged to review the
                                                                                                                      revision to (SOPs) and ISO Policies &
                                                                                                                      Procedures Sharek Web pages as part of their
                                                                                                                      Job description.
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