Page 8 - The Confidential
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What to expect in future issues...

        Our experts share their             Inspirational stories from         From the depths to the
        experiences                         our experts and you our            surface....our expert shares
        From Delhi to London to Edinburgh,   members                           his own journey to survival
        our experts will share with you their life   Our expert Bonny Raisbeck volunteered   Our expert Dave Lee, a construction
        experiences and opinions on different   back in 2014 to help set up management   expert, found himself in the real depths
        cultures, pros and cons, and how they   systems in Peru for a small in need   of despair. Lost, he became stressed
        impact working life.                orphanage whilst helping feed, care and   with everything and turned to alcohol.
        Picture: Martyn Gomersall in Delhi  engage with the children.  Culture in the   His story tells us of his battles and his
                                            workplace if ever there was one.   victories....but the battles are always there.
                                            Picture: Bonny Raisbeck in Peru    Picture: Dave Lee talking mental health issues on
                                                                               the BBC

        What is being reported...           City to City                        Articles on disasters

        Your reports are so important to helping   All too often we focus on our beloved   What can we learn from catastrophic
        us improve the workplace. Make things   London. Well we will cover stories from   incidents? Often they evolve from trivial
        safer, fairer and just.  So we will look   Manchester to Leeds, Glasgow to Cardiff   beginnings.
        to cover some of your reports, but will   to Belfast. If it’s relevant to the workplace   Picture: Pipe River Mine Disaster
        always protect your identity.  What’s   we will cover it. Send us your stories at
        important is what we can learn from
        your experience and how your employer   Picture: Manchester
        responded. Picture: London Bus

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