Page 6 - The Confidential
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Paul Russell Rob Miles Jean Duprez MBE
Rail, Construction, Safety Human Factors, Oil & Gas Construction, Training
“Personally, I am looking forward “I am really looking forward to “I am excited to be part of the
to working with our experts and sharing the benefits of effective CallConfidential expert panel and
learning about other industries, how confidential reporting and opening looking forward to contributing to
their culture can influence others this approach up to both front helping them in this new venture”
and providing a new service that will staff and operational and senior
really make a difference and be truly managers.”
Bonita Raisbeck Dave Lee Martyn Gomersall
Safety, Construction, Engineering, Construction, Mental Health Safety, Rail, Construction
“CallConfidential will give me an “I’m very excited to be part of the Call “I am looking forward to contributing
opportunity to use my current skillset Confidential expert panel, I believe positively to the CallConfidential
and draw on some of my past the experts panel will be beneficial expert panel by providing specialist
experiences to give the best possible to all sectors of industry, as we put knowledge, based on my years of
support and service industries our minds together to go beyond experience in diverse industries,
deserve. I believe that there is no what we think we know, to create real and to potentially usher in a better
point doing something that can’t change”. workplace safety culture across
influence improvement.” industry”