Page 5 - The Confidential
P. 5


                                                We have experience in confidential reporting and we know that organisations
                                              that sign up to it just want something simple, non-intrusive, designed to protect
                                                    everyone, staff and customers, and provide the opportunity to get to hear
                                                  about the concern or issue and actually address it.  We also know, and this is
                                              important, that staff feel that the service at the end of the hotline is independent
                                               of their company and can act and behave accordingly.  We guarantee that. And
                                                     we will work with our members to get a solution that benefits all parties.

                                                 SOMEONE HAS A                        WE ACT ON YOUR
                                               CONCERN OR ISSUE                                 BEHALF

                                                If you cannot or do not               Once we have the full
                                                   want to use internal           picture, we will act on your
                                                   reporting channels                 behalf and speak with
                                                then consider speaking              a representative of your
                                                   confidentially to us.                        company.

                                                      CALL US ON                         A SOLUTION IS
                                                    0800 038 5656                               FOUND
                                                One of our trained staff               We will work hard at
                                                 will arrange a time to           getting a solution that we
                                              call you back and we will              feel will be acceptable
                                              conduct a short interview             to you.  The company is
                                             to help us gather as much             ultimately responsible for
                                                information as possible          resolving your concern, but
                                                  about your concern.             our experts will liaise with
                                                                                 them to  help find the right

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