Page 3 - How-I-earned-one-million
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father bought commodore 64 from the USA and within days of its usage, I became
pretty good at it.
I created a small code which could copy the game from the external cassette drive
all the way to the cassette 64’s internal hard disk. That software actually went
pretty wild in the market that year. That was the time I realized my love for
computers but the problem was that I belonged to an era where they taught
English starting from the primary in government schools so getting a regular
computer education in schools was not a choice. Well the years went pass by so I
kept crumbling from one class to another and at times finding it very hard to clear
my final exams. But somehow I was lucky enough to snail forward at a very low
“ In 1997, I started doing my MBA. I still do not know how I got there. ”
One day I went to a local bookstore with my friend and I saw a magazine with a
picture of Bill Gates on the cover. I did not know who Bill Gates was so my friend
told me that he is the next big sensation and he is the richest man on the earth. So
I grabbed a copy of the magazine and went home. While going through his story
later in the evening the first thing that impressed me naturally was that he was a
college dropout. While going through his story I learnt that he created an