Page 5 - How-I-earned-one-million
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I also came to know about his plans of innovating computers and making it a
necessity in everyone’s life. So that seemed exciting as coming from a computer
background that encouraged me to really learn more about computers and learn
the advancing technologies. In 1997, internet was in its very new days in Pakistan
and while searching for the similar stories you know, I stumbled across the story of
Steve Jobs. Now before you laugh, he was another college dropout and his story
was far more impressive than that of Bill Gates. It was not just because he re-
acquired the company but he was once forced to quit for one reason or another
but he also took his company Apple to the success where he took Microsoft in a
heads on operating system competition. That inner-soul searching revealed where
my career was heading to so I wanted to move forward with computers. But I had
to find out the ways to monetize my passion with computers so while searching in
Yahoo. If you think why I didn’t search on Google, Google was not invented before
12 April 1998 so I came to know the best way to earn online was by learning web
design and development. Then you can offer those services in the freelance