Page 7 - How-I-earned-one-million
P. 7

This was the kind of job that seemed best for a lazy individual like me. It seems

              pretty exciting to be responsible for getting the projects on time and only being

              answerable to the person who has hired for one particular job. So after doing my

              MBA I worked with an organization for almost a year but I could not cope with the

              stiff neck environment. This compelled me to resign from my job. I went back to

              my father and told him about another strategic decision. This time my wedding

              was just after six months precisely and at that time I had nothing to do.

              “ I convinced my father that I wanted to pursue my career as a freelancer

              because web design and web development was in its early days and there is

              no saturation in this business. “

              I had a determination to prove a point where someone who always have been an

              ordinary and below average student all his life. I had to prove how I succeed in life

              once I find my true passion for work.

              After a lot of negotiation with my father, we agreed on the point that I will go out

              of my house and will rent out a small office because his whole concept was life

              start outside the comfort of your house. For this purpose, I acquired a small office

              space on the first floor of a very noisy place known as Bakramandi. On the ground

              floor, it was occupied by whom I called my comrades you know the painters with
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