Page 126 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 126

Tht Rapture Question: Revised and Enlarged Edition
        as characterize prcmillennialism, while posttribulationism
        harmonizes with other millennial views.
           Posttribulationism is a comprehensive interpretation of
        eschatology that merits a special study. This the author has
        undertaken to do in a separate volume dealing with the rise of
        posttribulational interpretation, its four major types of in­
        terpretation. and a consideration of the major questions and
        important passages that relate to posttribulationism. In this
        treatment posttribulationism will be summarized in its broad
        outlines and then considered along with other rapture views in
        a detailed study of major Scriptures that bear on the rapture
        question. Readers who want further information on post­
        tribulationism will find it in this separate volume.1

          Posttribulational Interpretations of the Tribulation
           While posttribulationism in itself is a simple concept, so
        many variations arc found within the general teaching that it
        is difficult to affirm a norm. At least four differing schools of
        thought prevail among posttribulationists in regard to their
        interpretation of the Tribulation. These have been called
        (1) classic posttribulationism. (2) semiclassic posttribu­
        lationism, (3) futuristic posttribulationism, and (4) dispensa-
        tional posttribulationism. These are discussed in detail in the
        author's recent w ork just mentioned.2
           Classic and semiclassic posttribulationism tend to spiritu­
        alize the Tribulation. Classic posttribulationism affirms that
        the Tribulation has already passed. Semiclassic posttribu-
        lationiam holds that it is only partially fulfilled. In futuristic
        posttribulationism and dispensational posttribulationism,
        however, a more specific view of the Tribulation is advanced,
        and at least a seven-year period intervenes between the pres­
        ent and the fulfillment of the Rapture and the Second Coming.
          All forms of posttribulationism, however, unite in holding
       that the Rapture occurs at the end of the Tribulation. This is,

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