Page 13 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 13
The Rapture Question: Revised and Enlarged
through the Tribulation is not as trivial and academic a ques
tion as some would make it. It is rather an issue with great
practical and doctrinal implications. While it is not as far-
rcaching in biblical interpretation as the doctrines of the
inspiration of Scripture, the deity of Christ, the substitution
ary atonement, or the prcmillennial interpretation as a whole,
one’s decision concerning the character of the Tribulation is
an essential factor in any detailed program of the future. It is
significant not only in its own content but in its application of
principles of interpretation far beyond the doctrine itself.
Relation to the Doctrine of the Tribulation
The interpretation of the Scripture relative to the coming
Tribulation is important first of all as a strategic exegetical
problem. The revelation concerning the Tribulation is found
in many passages in the Old and New Testaments and in
cludes a major part of the Book of Revelation. Until the nature
of the Tribulation is established, these portions are left with
out intelligent exegesis. This spreads confusion in the whole
prophetic program of the future. It is not difficult to establish
that the question of whether the church goes through the
Tribulation is a major factor in the interpretation of the
Tribulation itself.
The study of the Tribulation also is a major theological
problem. The interpretation given to the Tribulation is inte
gral to particular theological points of view, especially in the
area of eschatology. First, a question such as the use of the
literal method of interpretation as contrasted to the nonliteral,
spiritualizing method is most important. Second, another
major factor is the separation of divine programs for Israel
and the church. Third, the larger issue of arnillennialism ver
sus premillennialism, which is also involved, makes the doc
trine of the Tribulation significant beyond its own borders.
The proper use of the inductive method of logic also becomes
very important because some posttribulationists tend to select