Page 9 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 9

The Rapture Question: Revised and Enlarged Edition
         spirit of strengthening the hope of those who love His appear­
            Grateful acknowledgment is made to Dallas Theological
         Seminary for permission to use portions of published articles
         in Bibliotheca Sacra in the writing of this volume. While it has
         not been necessary to rewrite the material completely, exten­
         sive revision, addition, and clarification have been achieved,
         including reference to recent works. Unless otherwise stated,
         the American Standard Version of 1901. published by
         Thomas Nelson and Sons, is used in quotation from the Scrip­
         tures. Acknowledgment is made to them and to all who have
         granted permission to use quoted material. (The New Inter­
         national Version has been used in the second edition.)

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