Page 10 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 10



                 Revival of Interest in Prophecy
           More questions are being asked today than ever before ’
       concerning the return of the Lord. The Second Coming has
       always been prominent in fundamentalist literature, but the
       surprising revival of interest on the part of the modern liberal
        and the neoorthodox writers is something new. For instance, ,
        even before the first edition of this book, Emil Brunner con­
        tributed his book Eternal Hope. H. H. Rowley wrote The Rele­
       vance of the Apocalyptic. John Wick Bowman ventured a new
        translation of the Book of Revelation entitled The Drama of the
       Book of Revelation. Even more specifically, Paul S. Minear pub­
        lished his book Christian Hope and the Second Coming. These
        works were not isolated illustrations but signs of a major trend
        of increasing attention to the scriptural doctrine of the second
        coming of Christ.
           It is not safe to conclude, however, that this resurgence of
        interest is necessarily a new and vital interpretation of scrip­
        tural teaching. The inspired prophecy of Peter, which states
        that skeptics would ask the question “Where is this ‘coming’
        he promised?” (2 Peter 3:4), is still being fulfilled. While
        increasing realism is being manifested in the discussion of the
        Second Advent, the tendency of liberalism to explain away
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