Page 7 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
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The Rapture Question: Revised and Enlarged Edition
The difference in point of view between pretribulationism
and posttribulationism in the light of current events is not
simply a debate among scholars, but it is a matter of great
practical importance, affecting as it does, the nature of our
hope in relation to the coming of Christ.
Under these circumstances, the arguments supporting
the various views call for restudy and restatement. It is hoped
that the revised edition will answer the natural questions that
arise in determining scriptural truth on this doctrine and will
serve to enhance the blessed hope of Christ's return.
In issuing this revised edition, quotations from the Bible
have been taken from the New International Version, unless
otherwise indicated. Recent publications have been taken into
consideration and a bibliography of pertinent literature has
been supplied, along with a revised index to the Scriptures. To
facilitate read)' reference, a subject index, including reference
to authors, has also been included. Grateful acknowledgment
is made to those who have granted permission to use copy
righted material.