Page 36 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 36

The Meaning of the Church
     the Old Testament and further substantiates the distinctive
     character of believers in the present age.
        On the basis of the usage of the word ecclesia in the New
     Testament and the obvious contrasts in the character of the
     church to believers in either the Old Testament or the future
     Millennium, the conclusion is clearly drawn that in the pres­
     ent age the body of believers that composes the church has a
     distinct place in God’s plan and program and as such is con­
     trasted to saints who will come to know Christ in the tribula­
     tion period or in the future Millennium. Therefore, when the
     question is considered whether the church will go through the
     Tribulation, the last generation of the church living on earth
     at the time is in view and must not be confused with those
     described as saints or with Israel or with the elect in the
     tribulation period.
         It is significant that none of the truths discussed as dis­
     tinctive of the church are found in the description of saints in
     the Tribulation. Never are tribulation saints referred to as a
     church or as the body of Christ or as indwelt by Christ or as
     subject to translation or as the bride. As the church is a dis­
     tinct body with special promises and privileges, it may be
     expected that God will fulfill His program for the church by
     translating the church out of the earth before resuming His
     program for dealing with Israel and with the Gentiles in the ,
     period of the Tribulation.

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