Page 37 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 37


                 THE TRIBULATION

         Much of the confusion arising from the discussion as to
     whether the church will go through the Tribulation has its
     source in difference of opinion as to the nature of the Tribula­
     tion itself. Both the posttribulational and midtribulational
     views usually have a different concept of the Tribulation than
     is advanced by pretribulationists. It is generally characteristic
     of posttribulationism that it takes a less literal interpretation
     of tribulation passages than the pretribulational view.
         Recent posttribulationists, however, have tended to be
      more literal in their interpretation. George Ladd, for instance,
     holds to a somewhat literal future tribulation prior to the
     second coming of Christ. Robert Gundry, likewise, attempts to
      take a literal position. However, both writers tend to spir­
      itualize or to ignore passages that would seem to contra­
     dict the posttribulational view.1 Generally speaking, a literal
      interpretation of the Scriptures dealing with the tribulation
      and taking into account all the factors revealed in Scripture
      concerning the Tribulation tends to support the pretribula- ,
      tional concept.

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